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They came.

They took him away.

Luke laid on his bed, watching the ceiling fan spin.

"Luke come here."

Luke wondered if there was ever a time where his name wasn't being called.

"Yes mom?"

"Phone call for you."

She handed the phone to him and he waited.


This is Karen."

"Oh, okay how's Michael?"

"He' better.

I just wanted to say thanks for helping."

"No problem, really."

"How about you come for dinner?"

"Sounds great."

"Okay, well i have to go, but thanks again!"

"Yeah, bye."

Luke put the phone on the table and started to make his way back upstairs.

He wondered why Michael had pains, and what the results were for, but it wasn't really his business.

Luke decided to fall asleep early, so he could get up early.


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