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"Okay, remember stay calm alright."

Michael nodded his head, inhaling and exhaling slowly.

"The reason you get pains is because, well you have cancer, kidney cancer to be exact.

And at the moment me and your mother are trying to find a way to pay for your surgery, so you can get better.

I don't want to lose you, but my mom said I can't use my college funds to pay for it, so i'll find another way."

It was silent, but sniffles could be herd coming from Michael.

"You were gonna use college money for me?


"Because I love you, and ever since the day I got your letter in the mail, I thought it was just fate."

"Why do you love a sick boy?

What if I die, I can't handle you being alone."

"I'll still love you, no matter what."

Luke took his hands and kissed it.

Michael smiled.

"I love you too, Lukey."

That was the first time Luke had ever heard Michael say it.

"More than friends?"

Luke asked, smiling.

"Of course."

Little did Luke know that Karen was still home.


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