twenty seven

365 18 1


They were in the car again, driving back home.

Michael was still passed out and Luke was petting his blonde hair.

"Karen, the doctors told me something.."

"What is it?"

Karen adjusted her rear view mirror so she could see Luke while driving.

"The doctor said that there's a low chance of him-of him surviving.

S-since his body's been through so much already..."

Karen stayed silent focusing on the road ahead of her.

If she was to say anything she would burst into tears.

"But I don't believe them..

I know Michael's stronger than that, he can do it.

I just know he can."

"Luke maybe you shouldn't put so much on him, cause soon all the faith you have in him will go to waste."

Luke glared at her, and even though she couldn't see, he stuck up his middle finger.

"I promise you're gonna be okay."

Luke kissed Michael's forehead and watched his mouth twitch into a smile, then go back to a frown.

Luke loved him unexplainably.

He just didn't want a thing to harm him, he wanted the surgery to go well so he could ask Michael something.

If he were to do it now, Michael probably wouldn't be feeling well enough.


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