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 @playsgnote thanks for the idea this is long overdue so sorry

Also, thank you to everyone who gave me idea's for Will. I decided to go with Dr.Sunner so thanks @2strangefangirl for requesting it :)))

Nico's POV

"Will!" I say as I walk in the living room. No answer. 
"Will?" I call out again, hoping he'll hear me. He must not be home. I walk to the bathroom, close the door and lock it. 

I study myself. It'll be hard explaining this one to him. A bruise on my cheek and a tiny chunk of my tongue gone. Blood dripping from my nose, mouth and head. My nemesis did this to me. 

People love him. Dr.Sunner. Just the thought of him makes me want to puke. See, I'm the ghost king. 

People say I'm the villain, and I can't disagree. I do bad things. And I'm proud of that. However, whenever we get in fights the way we did an hour ago, I consider changing the role. But then I remember my fellow villain friends and I can't disappoint them. 

I hear the door open and close. 

"Neeks?" A voice calls out. I start panicking. 

"I'm in the bathroom!" I yell. I sound like I have a lisp. I don't, but it sounds that way because of the blood. I never bothered wiping it, so now it's all over the floor. I hear footsteps nearing the door. 

"Nico? Are you almost done? I need to use the toilet." He says through the door. 


"Nico? Are you okay?"

"J-just use the bathroom in our room!"

"Nico. Unlock this door. Now." I huff. There's no escaping him. I open the door and he gasps.
"Nico! What on earth happened?" He asks. He walks in and starts going through some drawers. 

"I got mugged." I lie. Will frowns. 

"Sit." He orders me. I sit on the toilet. He pulls out a first-aid kit. 
"Open." I roll my eyes and open my mouth. 

"Stick your tongue out." I do so. He pulls out wrapping bandage. 
"Tie this around your tongue. Gently." He orders. I do. God, it hurts so much. He puts something on the scar on my head that stings (I don't know what it's called. I'm not the doctor around here). My eyes tear up from the pain. I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down. Will puts a gauze on it. He takes another gauze out.
"Put this in your mouth, too." I take the gauze and put it in. He gives me a tissue to put on my nose. 
"There. That should do it." 

"Grazie." I mumble. Will tilts his head. 

"You know I don't speak Italian." He says. 

"I did it again, didn't I? Sorry, I meant to say 'thank you'. So... thanks." I say. Will offers me his hand and I gladly take it. He pulls me into a hug. 

"Neeks, this has to stop. I don't want to have to worry about what'll happen to my boyfriend whenever he walks on the streets." He runs his fingers through my hair and it feels so good. I frown, still. I don't mean to get hurt, it just happens. It's Dr.Sunner's fault. He did this to me. 

Will pulls away and kisses my head. 
"Go turn the tv on and we'll watch something." He tells me. I nod and walk out of the bathroom. I plop myself on the couch, grab the remote and turn the tv on. I flip through the channels. I find the news channel talking about The fight Dr.Sunner and I got into. I few shitty videos show our fighting while the news reporter is talking in the background. 

I wasn't really focusing on the news reporter. I was focusing on the video of Dr.Sunner and I. My outfit is a pure black skintight suit with a skull wearing a crown on the front. My mask covers my face completely. Dr.Sunner wears a suit much like mine, except it's yellow and has a sun on it. His mask only covers half his face. He's so annoying. Thinking he's better than everyone else. 

Solangelo fluff :)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang