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oops. Sorry. Capslock. I'd change it, but I'm too lazy. 

I'M WRITING ANOTHER STORY!!! *imaginary crowd cheers* 

Yeah, I know what you're thinking. 

"Um, thanks for telling us? Where's the one shot we thought this was?"

Well, my friends. Let me explain to you a thing. 

See, this story I'm writing is a HoO second generation story! I saw a few pictures online and I thought to myself huh. This would make an interesting story.

I thought I'd let you guys know because I think you guys are HoO nerds like me.

I have one chapter up so far. 

If you guys want to check that out, feel free to do so. I just thought I might let you know. 

(Also, bonus, there are gay characters shhhhhh don't tell anyone)

Stay awesome fabulous t-rexs! 

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