Fairytale AU

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Okay, before I get started, I just want to thank everybody for giving me advice and support on my last story. I would have responded, but I didn't know how, so...
But thank you so so so much you guys! They really made me feel better :)

I wrote a fairytale story for Dan and Phil and I really like writing it and I thought it came out good so I thought I could do a Cinderella story for Nico and Will... with a 'Rowan' twist on it :D btw the picture attached is nothing like the story. But I liked it and thought you fabulous t-rexs would too. 

Nico's POV

Watching all these people dance... it's all girl and boy, boy and girl. It makes me feel... left out and wrong. I glance over at the prince and sigh. Golden curly hair, blue eyes, tan skin. Prince William is gorgeous. I know that it's considered a sin to be in love with someone of the same gender, but I can't help it. It's like boys falling in love with girls. It feels natural.

Prince William is sitting on his throne wearing an orange dress shirt, blue dress pants, black shoes, and his crown is on crooked. Crooked enough to make me agitated. But I can't very well walk up to prince William, fix his crown and walk away, can I? Prince William is smiling, just like he always does. For as long as I've worked here, he's always smiling. And he's so kind to us. And by 'us' I mean everybody who works at the castle. Oh yeah, I work at the castle. I'm a gardener. Prince William will sometimes talk to me. It always makes me feel special. 

Sorry, I got distracted. 

My best friend, Leo, walks up to me. He smirks and elbows me.

"You checking out the prince?" He asks. I blush and  push him.

"Shut up!" I put my hand over his mouth. He laughs. Leo is the blacksmiths of the castle. He's really good at his job. He's also the only one who knows about me being in love with the prince. I lower my hand. 

"Don't look now, but the prince is looking at you," he says. I whip my head around. The prince was not looking at me. I turn my face to Leo and narrow my eyes. He's trying so hard not to laugh, I can tell.

"You're the worst friend ever," I tell him. 

"That hurt my feelings!" He says as he puts his hand on his heart. I roll my eyes. 

"Cinderella!" Somebody yells. Everybody turns their heads to where the voice came from. We're all confused because we thought everybody had arrived at the ball. Apparently, we were wrong. There, coming down the stairs, was a girl around the age of 16 wearing a pink dress much fancier than everybody else's. Her blonde hair is in a side braid and her skin is pale. If I could fall in love with someone of the opposite gender, then I would say she was the one. Every man at the ball was staring at her with their mouth open. (And some of the women.) I turn my head to the prince who just doesn't look interested. 

I guess I should explain.
See, king Apollo, he's terribly ill. Everyone at the castle was trying to save him. It got to the point where we knew nothing would be able to help him. It's terminal. This ball is so the prince can find a bride to help rule the kingdom.  

Princess (what was her name? Cally? Cate? Cinder? Something like that. Let's go with Cinder.) Cinder walks up to the prince and curtsies. She must be a princess. I don't see how she couldn't be. Prince William rolls his eyes and stands up.

"Will you have this next dance with me?" He asks her. He sounds bored. Maybe that's just my imagination. Cinder looks happy. Music starts playing and prince William takes her hand and they start to dance. Do I feel jealous? Of course, I feel jealous. She's dancing with the man of my dreams. I want to yell "GET YO HANDS OFF MA MAN, LADY," but I restrain myself with great difficulty. Leo pats my shoulder. The prince looks over at us and my heart skips a few beats. He smiles. I can feel my face turning red. I look at my feet and slightly smile. When I look back at the prince he's looking at the princess with a poker face. Maybe I just imagined it. 

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