Different is okay

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Okay, this one is a trans au story, as suggested by janek429. Wish me luck.

Warnings: mentions of suicide. That's a first.

"Will sighed as he fell on his bed. Why do I have to go through these things? Will wondered It's so hard to just be myself. Will is what he called himself 'different'. Will didn't like the things most boys his age did. He preferred skirts to shorts. Long hair to short. Pink rather than blue. Will wanted to be called 'Willie' rather than 'Will' or 'William'. Will wanted to be female. So, for the rest of this story, I shall be referring Will to a 'she' rather than a 'he'. And I will call her 'Willie' rather than 'Will'. 

Willie tried to tell her parents so many times, but she never got the courage to. Nobody knew about her. Not even her best friend, Nico. God did she have a crush on Nico. She couldn't tell him, though. He would just... push her away. Willie was convinced of it. 

Willie has another secret, that's much harder to keep. She only told one person, who constantly tried to help her. Nico. 

She hurt. She hurt emotionally and physically. She wanted so badly to die and just end everything. She has the scars to prove it. She hadn't cut in a few weeks, so she considered that progress. 

"Will!" Her mother called to Willie. 

"Yeah, mum?" Willie called back. 

"Nico is here!" Willie held back a squeal of excitement. 

"Send him up!" Willie soon heard footsteps. Someone knocked on her door. 

"Will? Are you in here?" Nico asked. 

"No, I'm in Canada eating pancakes with extra maple syrup and some bacon while apologising to everyone," Willie responded. Nico opened the door and let himself in. Nico had short black hair, tan skin and the most beautiful brown eyes (in Willies opinion). Nico was also taller than Willie. Nico smiled.

"Hey, Will. How're you feeling?" Nico asked. Nico walked up to Willie's bed and sat down next to her. Willie frowned. 

"I've been better," she admitted. Nico frowned and sighed.

"Will, you're depressed but you won't tell me why. You... you hurt yourself and you won't tell me why. I want to help, Will," Nico told her. 

"You do help me, Neeks,"

"Not as much as I'd like,"

"You wouldn't understand,"

"Do you not love yourself?"

"Just... drop the subject. Please,"

"No. I'm tired of not being able to help you in every way I can. Are you gay? Because if you are, I don't care,"

"I- it's- it's complicated," 

"Will... It's okay. Please, tell me what's wrong. I care about you and I'm worried," Willie sighed. 

"I... I don't want to talk about it,"

"Can I guess?"

"If you really feel the need to. I'm not going to tell you if you're right no matter what you guess and even if it is right I won't say anything,"

"Okay... family problems?"

"What? Oh god no!"

"Okay... friend drama?"

"You're my only friend and there's no drama between us,"

"Uhm... girl drama,"


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