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Will's POV

Nico and I have been living together for a few years now. We live in an apartment. It's small but comfortable. I have a job as a high school teacher, and Nico works at a club. We're doing really well. The only problem: the eggs. 

It's always the freaking eggs. 

Nico and I love to eat eggs, so it's no surprise when we run out of eggs a few days after buying them. The other problem about the eggs is that Nico prefers the ones at the store, I prefer the ones we get from a farm nearby. 

Today just happens to be the day we run out of eggs. 

I take a seat behind my desk and wait for the kids to come in. My phone rings.

Call from: Nico

I answer it "Neeks? Is everything okay?" I ask. I have a feeling he rolls his eyes. 

"No, we ran out of eggs! What am I supposed to do?" He answers. 

"Oh, come on! They're just eggs! Why are you asking me?" I say as calmly as I can.

"Oh, shut up,"

"It's not that hard! Just go to the store and buy eggs!"

"What kind of eggs!? The white ones I like? Or the brown ones you like? I mean, after all, you do prefer brown farm fresh eggs to store ones, but the farm place is closed and I need to know what kind of eggs to get,"

"It doesn't matter if they're brown or white! Just get the dam eggs!"

"Can you get them?"

"I'm not going to get the eggs. I have a class to teach and I don't have time for this. You don't start working until 9:30pm. Okay? Just get the eggs. Whatever colour, it doesn't matter. Follow your heart. Love you,"

"Love you too,"

I hang up and see that my whole class had walked in while I was talking with Nico. I can tell they're trying not to laugh. 

"So, what did you decide on? Brown or white?" A student asks me. I roll my eyes. 

"It doesn't matter. Now for today's lesson..."

Nico's POV

I hang up and sigh. Gods, Will can be annoying. My decision is to go with whatever's the cheapest. I walk into the store 'buy the way'  (I never understood that name. What's it trying to tell me? I can't just 'buy the way') and as I walk in, I see it's not that crowded. That's good. I hate interacting with people more than I have to. I walk to the fridge section and grab the cheapest eggs (which happen to be brown, in case you were wondering) I can find. I walk to an empty checkout zone. 

"Hi! Did you find everything you were looking for?" The cheery cash register says. 

"Yeah, I suppose," I respond. He takes the eggs and scans it. 

"That'll be $1.90 please," he says. I put my hands in my pocket, only to find I forgot my wallet. 

"Well, Hades," I mumble. 

"Excuse me," I turn around to see an old lady. 

"Oh, hey," I say. She frowns.

"Is that any way to treat your mother?" She says. I stare at her. Why does she think I'm her son? She's way to old. Oh well. I'm in need of money...

What I'm about to do is bad, so don't try this at home. 

"Sorry, mum. I just realised I was out of money and I need to buy some eggs, so I'm kinda grumpy. Sorry," I say. Call me a bad person, but I need these eggs. No exception. The old woman just kindly smiles. 

"Will $2.00 cover it, dear?" She asks. 

"Yeah," I hesitate "are you sure?" I ask. She just smiles. 

"Oh, it's fine my dear. It's only $2.00," she reaches into her purse and grabs the money she hands it to me and I thank her. I hand the money to the man at the register, and soon I'm leaving with my eggs. 

None of that would've happened if Will didn't eat the last egg. Guess who's going to visit their boyfriend in the middle of his class to give him the eggs?

Will's POV

"... and that's why Achilles died. Any questions?" I ask. A few hands go up. I was about to call on Brenda, a teenage girl with red wavy hair when the door opens. The whole class, including me, turn their heads towards the door. There we see a man about my age, with pale skin, black choppy hair, brown eyes, and dark clothes standing there with a bag from the grocery store. Nico. He walks up to my desk and slams the bag down. 

"Here are your precious eggs. I had to pretend to be an old lady's son for these. So, enjoy your eggs. I'm going home to take a nap," he says. And with that, he walks out of my classroom. 

My class and I are silent. 

"What the actual-" a student starts to say.

"I don't even know," I interrupt. 

"That's your boyfriend?" a girl asks me. I nod. 

"Yes, though, sometimes I don't know why..."

LOL, that one was fun to write. I... may have changed the headcanon a little bit, but hey. Whatever. 

Stay awesome fabulous t-rexs!  

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