"Um, Saryia." Odin's voice calls us out of our long awaited kiss. Saryia puts me down gently and nods.

"Is Jamie back yet?" Odin shakes his head no. Wow Jamie and Marie have been gone for four days. They must be having "fun".

"Please ride to Jamie's cabin and tell her I need her back here." Odin bows and leaves us. Saryia takes my hand again, she is warmer, but not her normal warmth that I have come to love. She leads me to the conference room. The vampire elders and Apollo bow when we enter.

"Everything back on track with you two?" Apollo asks in my head.

"Almost." I reply back. Odin walks into the room in his armor. He adjusts his sword, and puts on his gloves.

"The horses are ready, I should return in a few hours." His attention turns to Apollo. Apollo stares back at him with the same intensity. He pulls his eyes away and bows to me before storming out the room with his men. Saryia and I take our seats at the head of the table.

"What is this news from the younger elders?" The vampire elders sit while Apollo stays standing. He pulls out three letters from his pocket.

"I myself haven't read these letters, but they should tell us what they are planning."

"How do we know they these wolves are trustworthy?" Elder Jade sneers.

"Unlike you vampires, when a werewolf makes a vow we stick to it." Apollo growls at her. Jade looks at him and hisses back before looking away. Apollo rips open the first letter. It has Elder Miguel's crest on it. Apollo clears his throat then begins to read the letter.

" Empress Hatspehut and High Luna Saryia,

 My dearest hope that you are safe back in your home territory. I and the other younger elders tell you now that Aria is now turning up the heat on the war. The plan is in commence to go completely on offence. The Elders will take their own people and go into their continents. The plan is to beat your armies down and during the month of the blood moon we will regroup and invade your home territory. I don't know what the older elder's orders are, but prepare those three continents for any type of war there. The other youngers will send you letters of their orders, for now I will tell you mine.

 Ten very large naval ships have been built to transport me and my countrymen back to Central America and South America. More ships like mine, so William has started a navy. My forces will be attacking all plantations, coal, silver, copper, tin, and gold mines. After that we are ordered to destroy any armies that you may send. We hold there until April. As far as I know William and Aria will be staying in the UK while we are off fighting. I wish to meet with your highnesses a month after I land. I wish I knew more, but I know nothing else for now. I do hope I was some help to you my majesties, be safe, and may you be prosperous in this war. I fear the worst if you are not.

                                                                   Elder Miguel Cortez"

"Alright then, not as bad as I thought. Apollo, see how many wolves have joined their army,and see how many ships they have and how large these ships actually are. The next one please." Saryia takes my hand and rubs it. A tingle courses through my body. Heat soon follows, but still not as intense as it used to be. Apollo rips open the second letter, David's crest lays on the outside.

"My highest queens Hatspehut and Saryia,

 Many things are happening here in the UK. All of the elders except William are going to move out to their home continent to capture them. We are all under heavy watch by Aria, she suspects that we may be in lead with you. She has also made the UK a fort, she made 1/4 of our army stay behind to guard her. On top of that she has promised the humans in our region freedom if we win the war, but she is lying. She wishes to make this world like that of the great mother Mor's world. The humans and all other species will be wiped out, her plan is to make a world that is only werewolf. William has called for a "mass cleansing". A complete genocide of all other peoples that are not wolves. Now I will tell you my orders.

Rising of The Blood Moon (GirlxGirl)(Sequel of The Master's Pet)Where stories live. Discover now