81- Astronomy Tower

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Sometimes, late at night, Remus would lean out of the Astronomy Tower, his gaze fixed on the grounds below, always the same question burning in his mind. What would happen if I jumped?


Hey! Just finished my first day at my new school- it was so nerve racking but I'm in a class with one of my closest friends who goes there. Moving back home to Belgium was like the most horrible, stressful thing in my life but the best thing is that my school is almost identical to Hogwarts! It's really really old (1890s) and has the same towers and made of the same materials. It's a castle- no joke. That's what it was before it was a school, people lived there! It's absolutely huge and basically my whole family went there: my dad, my uncle, my grandpa, my great grandparents...

Anyway, I love you all so much
-P x

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