73- Pressure

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Through out her life as a child and teen, Lucy put a lot of pressure on herself. Too much.

As a child, she was very easily frustrated and angry when she wasn't able to do something. Primary school teachers noticed this and remarked that it wasn't very healthy for her, her parents as well and for some time she went to weekly counseling sessions to attempt to make her release the pressure she put on herself.

The stress she went through at Hogwarts made her sometimes aggressive. There was always that constant feeling of having to do well in school, of needing to get that essay handed in in time. The only person who could see right through her was her best friend Callum. He could see that she wasn't angry or annoying but she was stressed.

As a result of this constant pressure she put on herself, she started to get anxiety and frequent panic attacks. But Callum was always there for her.

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