68- Feminist

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Rose Weasley was a very strong feminist, it didn't mean she hated men, it didn't means she thought women were better than men, she just strongly fought for the equality of women and men. 

Some people believed in the equality of both genders,

but Rose actually FOUGHT for it. 

Just like her mother Hermione, she had strong opinions and fought for them until she achieved her goals. 

She aimed to sort out things people didn't really notice first, like how Quidditch captains seemed to chose way more guys for the team when they were several girls that were actually better than some of the boys. When Rose got older she started taking her aims nationally then globally. She made a tremendous change in the way wizards as well as muggles saw women.


Happy International Women Day!


Even in modern countries like the UK and America, men are still payed more than women for exactly the same job!? I can't believe it!

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