Lachdon - I Won't Give Up

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"You don't really believe that I truly love her do you?"

I nodded my head, confused.

Lachlan laughed out again and reached out to wrap his arms around me and pull me to his chest, catching me off guard.

"Landon." He whispered, one hand coming up to run his fingers through my hair. "Think about it. I moved to America to be with her, right?"

"Yeah?" I said skeptically.

"If I did it for her, then why would I move to Texas near you instead of California where she lives? Why would I tell her repeatedly that I would not move in with her unless we were married even though that's not the way I really feel? Why would I barely visit her when I am honestly not that far away if I loved her, if I truly loved her?"

I had no answer, so I just continued to stand there in Lachlan's arms, listening to him speak, trying to wrap my brain around what he is saying.

"Who did you do it for then?" I asked softly, one of my hands coming up to place it against his chest, feeling the steady beating of his heart.

There was only a breath of silence before he spoke.


I felt my own breath leave my body at his answer.


"I moved to Texas for you. I refused to move in with her so she wouldn't come between us. I barely visited her because I never wanted to be far away from you. You are the reason I did all that. I love you Landon. Not her."

I pulled back from Lachlan's chest and looked up into his eyes, searching for a lie. I couldn't find one as I gazed into his blue eyes, shinning with love and honesty.

"Lachlan." I whispered out, only to be silenced by his lips on mine.

I felt a shiver run down my spine at the action. His lips were soft and warm against mine which were rough from the times I bit my lips to keep my shut from telling him how I felt.

The kiss was slow, one of his hands coming up to cup my cheek as our lips dragged against one another, causing a tightness in my chest and butterflies in my stomach.

As he pulled away, I felt like I couldn't catch my breath. My head was spinning with his confession and heart was threatening to beat out of my chest with the realization of what had just happened.

Lachlan loves me. Lachlan moved for me. Lachlan kissed me.

My mind felt like it was in a whirl, so much running through it. I tried to sort through it when a question popped up.

Looking into those beautiful eyes I spoke.

"If you did all that for me, if you really loved me, then why did you ask her to marry you?"

Lachlan let out a breath before he leaned forward, placing his forehead against mine, his eyes closed. There sheer intimacy of the act took my breath away and I closed my own eyes and waited for his answer.

It took a few minutes for him to speak. I didn't try to rush him or anything, I wanted his answer to be true and honest.

"Because..." he started slowly, taking a breath, one of his hands coming up to cradle my head, his fingers in my hair, while to other came around my back, keeping my close. I moved my other hand up to rest against the one on his chest, my fingers gripping his shirt tight as I waited in anticipation.

"Because..." he started again. "Because I thought you didn't love me. I thought I had no chance to ever be with you. To call you mine. I never thought you would feel the same way."

I heard his shaky breath as I opened my eyes to see the tears begin to fall down his face. I didn't move as he began to speak again.

"Landon, believe me, I didn't want to ask her to marry me or anything, I honestly wanted to break up with her, but everyone was pressuring me to marry her. I didn't want to, but everyone, my friends, my family, the Pack, everyone wouldn't stop telling me too, so I gave in, to please them. Fuck. I shouldn't have done that."

I felt my heart break, more than when he had announced he was marrying the girl. I know everyone was pressuring him, I just didn't realize they were pressuring him that much.

"Fuck Landon. I should never have asked her to marry me. I wish I didn't. I wish I could go back and stop myself from doing all this. I wish I hadn't been such of a coward and just talked to you instead of assuming your feelings for me."

I watched as his blue eyes opened, red from his crying but still shinning with love, love for me.

"I know I can't do that though. I can't fix my past mistakes." He muttered, his hand in my hair lightly scratching, causing me to close my eyes. "But I can fix the future. Landon please. Say you will be mine. Please. Just be mine. I promise to fight for you, to love you for the rest of my life, to protect you. Please." He begged again, causing me to look up into his eyes once more, my own tears falling down. "Please Landon, be mine."

I looked up at him for a moment, feeling the anticipation of my answer from him. I knew I loved him. I knew I wanted to be with him. I also knew the pain I would cause for someone else with my answer. That girl did love him but would it be better break her heart now or let her suffer a loveless marriage? What about everyone else, what would they think? Would they support us or hate us? Could we handle it if they hated us?

The questions kept running through my head, threatening to make it burst. I looked up into Lachlan's eyes and suddenly it all stopped and I made my decision, I just hope it is the right one.

"Yes Lachlan." I spoke, feeling his chest pull in under my hands. "I will be yours."

It only took a moment for Lachlan to respond, slamming his lips against mine, his arm around my waist tight, as well as the one in my hair as he kissed me. Truly kissed me.

I moved my arms from his chest to around his neck, kissing him with the same fever that he was kissing me. Happiness and love bloomed in my chest as I caught myself smiling into the kiss.

I realize that after this moment, everything was going to get hard, at least for now. That was ok, because now that I had Lachlan, there was no way I was giving up. Lachlan and I would make it through any pain, together.

A/N: Story time! I was getting ready to work on the next part of Secret when this song started playing and brain decided it need to be used for a one shot. So I did.

Don't worry, I am working on Part 3 of Secret, it will be out sometime this week or early next week. I am planning on taking my sweet time with it, for good reason.

I hope you enjoyed reading this and may your day be filled with love, laughs, and smiles. 

Sidemen One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora