ı 11 ı Burning Truth

Start from the beginning

"Klaus,-" I begin, trying my best to put him down gently when suddenly he closes the gap between us, pressing his lips firmly to mine. I stay frozen, shocked beyond belief that he would have the nerve to do that. After a split second his lips are mine, I push him away.

"Why would you do that?" I exclaim, anger bubbling inside me.

"I had to do it love, at least once," Klaus explains, a proud smile blossoming on his face.

I scowl and pick up the broken pieces of the scotch glass before pushing past Klaus to go fill myself another glass. I'm about a foot away from the border of the invisible barrier when suddenly Klaus dashes in front of me. 

"Move, Klaus," I growl deeply, fearing that I'll explode with anger once the shock has worn off. That dark part of me that craved the touch of Klaus to satisfy the curiosity inside me has vanished. It vanished the night James and I went on our first date- disappeared like it was never there.

"Why are you ignoring that small part of you that feels as if this is right?" Klaus questions.

"Because Klaus, that small part of me reminds me of my father. It reminds me how my mother fell for a man that did her no good, and I don't want to follow in my mother's footsteps," I whisper.

Klaus's face contorts with sadness and pain as he backs away allowing me to pass by him. I didn't understand that dark part of me until now, and now that I've said it out loud everything seems to make more sense. It needed to be said, no matter how much it would hurt Klaus. The truth hurts like a bitch.

"I would never hurt you Blair. I would never treat you like your father did," Klaus whispers once I've made my way into the kitchen.

I close the fridge and turn back to him, standing just outside the boarder of his prison. "I know," I whisper. "But no matter how hard I try to see past the reputation you've built for yourself, the reputation that's been proven true in my own eyes, I can't see myself with you. I don't feel anything for you, not after all you've done," I explain.


"No, let me finish," I snap, forcing him to close his mouth, his lips pressed together in a firm line as he listens. 

"After I woke up a vampire- after you killed me- James was there. After I came out of the tomb, I found James. After I turned it back on since you practically made me turn it off, James was there to help me through it. James was always there Klaus. He's always been there for me," I say, taking a breath. "The truth is, I have feelings for James. You've ruined both of our lives and that small part of me is not big enough to see past that," I finish, turning around and heading upstairs before I have a chance to see the look on his face. I can't love Klaus Mikaelson. I have to do what's best for myself for a change. 

Maybe one day he'll earn my forgiveness, but today is not that day. 

∆ ∆ ∆

By nightfall Joel and James found the sword in Klaus's attic, the rest of the night being spent decoding the symbols on Jeremy's body by translating them with the sword.

There's hardly any signal out there apparently, as I haven't been able to get in touch with my brothers. Caroline was only able to speak to Elena once to retrieve the pictures of Jeremy, and apparently things aren't going so well. The same could be said here too, as James is having a difficult time understanding how the descriptive scroll on the sword works, and Klaus has been no help.

He hasn't said a word really, not that I care all that much. I can tell he's still hurt by our discussion earlier, but I have to keep telling myself it's not my fault. It's not my fault if I don't feel for him. It's not my fault he's done so many horrible things. I don't owe him anything. He owes me my memories and my life back. 

"Dude, you're worse than Google translate," Joel comments as James squints in a concentrating manner at the sword.

"Joel, Google doesn't translate Aramaic," James says while still reading the sword.

"Exactly," Joel laughs, cracking a smile on my face. I glance over at Klaus to see he's sitting in the chair, watching us. We make eye contact and I see him crack a smile at Joel's remark, but his smile soon fades as does mine.

"Joel, hand me that picture again," James instructs.

Joel slides over a picture of Jeremy's tattoo, allowing James to read it. To me it's a bunch of scribbles, but apparently to James they mean something. All of a sudden James's eyes light up and he turns back to the sword, turning the scroll by the handle and turning random metal pieces.

The metal pieces when moved control what parts of the scroll are visible, making it so only certain Aramaic words can be read. James moves the pieces and reads the words before placing the sword down.

"Well?" Joel asks.

"What does it say?" I question.

"There's only one dose of the cure. Only one person can have it," James explains.

After he says the words I realize now that every vampire that went to the island wanted the cure, with the exception of Damon. Rebekah, Elena and most likely Stefan were all planning on sharing it. Now it's a mad race for one cure that only one vampire can have.


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[completed & edited: 09/07/2021]

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