ı 08 ı This Moment

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"Right before my eyes I saw my heart- it came back to life."

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IT APPEARED that the whole boarding house had turned into a book club in a matter of days, with all of it's members meeting on a daily basis.

The house had been trashed with books, documents and even several laptops where the use of the internet became a better alternative than flipping pages of a printed book. The internet was a magical place, and unlike books, it had an unlimited amount of pages.

While everyone else dealt with assisting in the growth of Jeremy's tattoo by placing  him safely away at the Gilbert lake house, the rest of us were dealing with a mixture of research upon Theo's history along with the location of some sword used in finding this so called vampirism cure. The rest of us being James, Joel, Caroline and myself who were adamant members of this book club.

We were all so committed that we found ourselves dozing off in between books or websites every now and then, just like we are now. It had become an unplanned routine of dozing off only to be awakened hours later by Theo who refused to be the only one awake. Apparently he didn't like when we weren't focused on finding more about his history.

"Make him stop," Joel grumbles groggily, shifting in the chair with his eyes closed, a book sprawled across his lap as Theo begins to cry again.

I open my eyes to see I had fallen asleep on the floor while I was reading a book. Now the book is half way across the room while I try to remain peacefully asleep on the ground until Theo wakes all of us up, his crying growing louder.

I jump up from the ground to pick up Theo from his crib we had placed downstairs to find he isn't in it. Theo is gone.

"Guys," I say perturbed, waking everyone up from their study break. 

"Yeah?" Caroline grumbles as James jumps awake from the couch. 

"Theo is gone," I explain, searching frantically around in the living room, but the little guy is no where to be found. By now everyone has woken up, searching the huge mansion for a toddler who can't talk or walk.

I turn the corner into the kitchen but find it empty, nothing but a box of crackers on the counter from where we tried to feed Theo some a few days ago. Just as I'm about to turn around, I watch as the box starts shaking, moving towards the edge of the counter until it slowly tips off the counter and onto the floor. Alarmed, I sprint over to see how it fell only to find Theo standing none the less with the box of crackers in his hands trying to pry the box open.

"Found him!" I yell while staring at him in admiration. This is the first time he's ever walked, and it happened to be so he could get food. I can't say I'm surprised, food can drive anyone to do anything, but I am shocked however that he managed to get the box off the counter with his supposed magic.

Caroline, James and Joel all come running into the kitchen, incredulous looks on their faces that soon turn to content as they eye Theo happily eating a box of crackers.

"Would you look at that. He used his first steps to get food," Joel jokes, going to pick up Theo. "I'm proud of you buddy." He smiles.

As we all surround Theo, the door opens and Bonnie walks in, carrying a giant box of who knows what. It appears to be heavy, so I sprint over and take it from her.

"Thanks," Bonnie smiles.

"What's in here?" I ask, hopeful that it will be something to sort out the history of Theo's mystery family.

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