"-you but it's you- What?" Luke asked me.

I giggled,  removing strands of hair out of my face, I looked into Luke's blue ocean eyes," I would love to go on a date with you, Lucas."

Luke smiles, showing his cute dimples and jumps in excitement, slightly punches the air, was it that hard for him to ask me on a date The guys came up from the basement, Ashton announces he's going to leave. Luke quickly tells me we would go on a date tomorrow after school before he leaves and kisses me on the cheek, dashing out of the kitchen to retrieve his bookbag from Michael's living room then out of the house.

"Bye Luke, Ash!" I yelled, waving them before they left the drive-through.

I skipped back into Michael's house, closing the door behind me and see that Calum was in the kitchen getting something while Michael was working on the homework assignment. To ignore Calum, I walked over to the living room, sitting beside Michael, I leaned over his side to see what he was is doing.

"Okay, how can I assist you, sir?"

"The whole damn book!" whined Michael, falling backward on the couch.

Mikey throws the "The Great Gatsby" by F. Scott Fitsgerald on the coffee table. One of the popular books for American Literature. It's a classic book but showing how young love is simply puppy love and shows that the sacrifices you make for those you care are sometimes not worth it.  Soon, Calum returns with a cup of coke in his caramel smooth hand and places the cup on the coffee table. Folding his arms as he leans on the couch, boring his eyes onto my direction.

"Mikey, it's easy if you actually read it." I chuckled as Mikey picks up the book in disgust.

"The Clifford Family don't read," said Mikey, slightly cringing.

This boy has a lot of issues when it comes to school.

I slightly chuckled and reached for my bookbag on the coffee table, "Okay, what chapter are you on?"

"Chapter 1."

"MICHAEL GORDON CLIFFORD! We are in Chapter 6!" I yelled at Michael.

"So?" Mikey asked.

"You, my friend, are going to fail," I told Michael, shaking my head, causing Michael to whine out 'noo'.

"Then read!"

Michael rolls his eyes and opens the book, Calum does the same, and I work on a different homework since I completed the homework. I lay my feet on the edge of the coffee table and laid my back on the cushions. I was working on one of my homework until that moron spoke.


"It's Cassie, moron," I growled, going back to writing and ignoring his gaze that land upon me.

"Fine, Cassie, c-can you help me?"

I stopped writing. I dropped my pencil and look at Calum. He was having a straight face on. I raised an eyebrow and rolled my eyes.

"Fine, what is it?" I asked.

"What's happening in Chapter 6?" Calum asked me.

"Really?" I asked.

"Yes, really, now help me," demanded Calum.

"You know, it will be better if you read it to understand what's going on," I told him as he stands up.

Calum comes to my side, his knee touch my thigh lightly. I slightly move to my left, to at least have space between us. He puts his stuff down on the coffee and grabs my legs and puts them down. He simply looks at me while I looked away.

"To be frank,  I haven't been paying attention since chapter 4," Calum simply said, huffing afterward.

"Fine. Nick Carraway, the main character, he does background research on his famous neighbor, Gatsby, from some ladies, gossiping about how Gatsby is a bootlegger-"

"Wait. I'm so confused, Nick already met Gatsby?"Calum asks me, cuts me off completely.

"Give me your notebook," I told Calum.

Calum quietly gives me his notebook. I snatch it from his hand, I flip over to the next page. I grabbed my pencil.

"Unbelievable," I muttered under my breathe.

"What are you doing?"

"A character sheet list since you don't have one. Read Chapter 3 all over again before starting Chapter 4. Try to annotate your book, will you? It would help if you write your own notes down," I tell him, as I write the characters down and a little information about them.

After I was finished, I became more aware that Calum was staring at me this whole time, his head was getting closer to me that I felt his warm breath hitting my neck. He sighs and looks away for a moment, I lift my head from his notebook slightly, was he really staring at me? Before I knew it, he toward around quickly, my face was too close to Calum's face. I avert my eyes to the other side as fast as I could and coughed to the awkward tension. I hand back Calum notebook and he takes it from my grasp before walking over to the couch and starts reading.

This is weird...

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