The Epilogue: A walk through hell, A walk through happiness.

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Epilogue :.:

Two years later, A very happy Terra reached for her car keys in her bag, only to find they were missing. Frowning she searched aimlessly around her new dorm room. Terra had been rooming at a college only a few towns away from Eli, she hated being so far away but at he same time it made their weekends together that much better.

"Maybe you left them in your car?" Her roommate Taylor asked nicely. "Hmm, perhaps" Terra responded then preceded to leave her dorm room, it was very unlikely for Terra to leave her keys in her car, she never did that she was usually responsible.

Once she reached the dorm parking lot, she looked for her small Kia, once she saw it she walked over and decided to peek into in. To no avail though, the keys were no where in sight. "Looking for theses, Princess?" Terra turned around jumping form the sudden voice, Eli was smirking widely at her shocked face. "You!" She laughed as he wrapped his arms around her waist.

"How are you, Princess?" Eli kissed Terra's forehead softly then her lips more passionately. "Perfect, now" Terra smiled in response. "Shall we grab a bite to eat?" Eli asked, before Terra could answer her stomach rumbled, laughing a bit, she just decided on a nod. Eli chuckled as well, opening her door for her and allowing her to sit. Declining, Terra moved over to the passenger side, she liked it more when Eli drove.

"Okay, cool" Eli shrugged while hoppin in the small red Kia. "I like when you drive, you're not as cautious as me, not as nervous" Terra smiled slightly.

"That's okay, Terra. You have only been driving on your own for a year and a half now, it usually takes a while for most people to get used to it, not to mention women usually don't get their licenses until they are way older because in most cases they are scared"

"Hey" Terra stuck her tongue out at Eli. He laughed, "No offense, Princess" Then stuck his tongue out in response. 

"So where shall we eat?" Eli asked, driving on through the town. "I say that burger place, with the yummy milkshakes" Terra grinned. It was a small burger place that her and eli discovered one day while looking for the local book store, he nodded and drove the familiar way to the shop.

"You could live off of this couldn't you?" Eli grinned as Terra's response was taking a bite out of her burger. "Mmmmhmm" She responded while chewing, he began to laugh at her. Rolling up his straw wrapper in a tight ball he flicked it at her, it hit her nose and fell.

Terra looked shocked for a moment before she started laughing. She grabbed a french fry and tossed it at him, but was upset when he caught it in his mouth. "You have to teach me how to do that!" 

Eli laughed and reached for her hand over the table, he gently caressed her hand in his. "I Love You, Princess"

"I Love You Too" She smiled.

Ever since the incident, and the healing process, Terra had really came out of her once broken and scarred shell, she was now so much more happy, She would laugh and was always joking around. She was spontaneous, and wasn't as shy. She was finally comfortable and happy.

It seems that in some form or another some one has some kind of run in with an abusive relationship, weather it's physical or mental, or verbal. They are all just as harmful. 

"Terra, Princess?" Eli laughed as Terra shook her head and looked back at him from the window, she had trailed off in thought again. "You've come a long way, you know.. I've never met someone as strong as you" Eli's words made Terra begin to tear up.

"Thank you, but you are so much more stronger than me, you survived.. the gunshot.." Trailing at the end, Terra cleared her throat. "I hate brining it up.. Every time I think about how I was so close to loosing you.."

Eli wiped a small tear that began to fall from her eyes. "It's okay, I'm here I made it, I always will pull through for you. You're my princess, you're far to precious to just leave alone.."

Terra smiled. "No more fighting, okay?" 

"Never again" Eli smiled back.

They could finally smile about their lives now, there was no fear, no hardships, it was finally over. As the sun shined in through the windows, they both looked at each other in an adoring way, realizing their lives would always be bright and sunny now, no matter how much rain fell from the sky.

They made it through, so can you.

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