Seven: Let your heart feel numb.

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Chapter Seven: Let your heart feel numb.

Eli :.:

Eli woke late on Thursday morning, Last night’s late fight left him awake until morning hours and now at six he woke for school. Eli stifled a yawn and stretches his muscles while rolling from his bed. Once dressed, Eli grabbed his bad and left his room, entering the hallway.

Eli’s parents were going at it again, he rolled his eyes and shoved his ear buds in his ears and blasted his IPod. Almost on his way out, a sudden tap on the shoulder made Eli turn around stiffly. “What?” He snapped at his mother, who looked taken aback. She looked to Eli’s father who just rolled his eyes.

“Don’t talk to me like that, you sound like your father!” His mother scolded. Eli then felt instantly livid, he glared at his mother. “Screw you” He snapped ripping away from her and leaving his house. Eli made it to school in record time, being pissed off worked in his favor. Eli wasn’t late to school, instead he was early, and first period didn’t even start for another twenty minutes.

After putting his bag in his locker Eli decided to kill some time by walking around the halls aimlessly, he was listening to his IPod when a familiar girl caught his eye. Eli smirked and tapped her on the shoulder. Terra jumped and turned to face Eli who gave her a small smile. But he was confused when Terra didn’t return it.

“Um, hi” Eli said awkwardly. Terra sighed and ran a hand through her fringe. “I can’t talk to you” Terra spoke almost in a whisper, Eli was taken aback by her sudden words he grabbed her arm. “Wait, what?” He asked puzzled. Terra huffed blowing her hair out of her face, she tried to shake form his arm, he let her.

“We can’t talk, we can’t be friends, I am going to pretend like you don’t exist” Eli couldn’t believe the words that Terra had just spoke, he had never felt so offended and caught off guard. “Well that’s pretty rude of you” He snapped, glaring at her. Terra’s eyes widened for a split second before she recovered.

“Yes it is, but I will not apologize. Were not meant to be friends” Terra put a book in her locker and looked back up at Eli who was infuriated. Eli punched the locker next to Terra’s and she flinched violently. “Whatever, you deserve what you get, bitch” Eli began to storm off in the opposite direction when he heard a locker slam.

He turned to look and noticed the guy he had met the other day grabbing Terra violently down the hall. Out of curiosity he followed, making sure not to be seen by them. “I thought I told you not to talk to him!” Eli watched as the guy named ‘Ty’ had yelled in Terras face, she was looking to the floor and shaking violently. “Tyler, I swear I was telling him not to talk to me” Terra held up a hand in defense and Tyler pushed her hand away and pushed her against the lockers.

Eli wanted to jump in and help but he felt glued to his spot. He watched with horror stricken eyes, the sight before him. “Obviously you didn’t learn from yesterday!” Tyler snapped and Eli watched as his fist came in contact with Terra’s stomach. Eli observed Terra kneeling over onto the floor, holding her stomach. With Eli’s fist clenched to the point of pain he stood up straighter and began to walk down the hallway.

When Terra noticed Eli walking towards them, Eli did his best to pretend like he hadn’t seen anything. Eli smirked as he passed by Tyler. “Wife beater” Eli whispered under his breath, just enough to be heard by Tyler. “What did you say douche” Tyler whipped around towards Eli. At this point Eli watched as Terra straightened herself out, she grabbed a hold of Tyler’s arm.

“Ty, let’s get to class” After a quick stare down Tyler glared down at Terra and grabbed her arm roughly walking back the way to Terra’s locker. Eli stopped and thought for a moment about what he had just witnessed. Was that why she couldn’t talk to me? Eli suddenly felt horrible for calling her a bitch.

In every class Eli found himself not being able to pay attention, he constantly thought about poor Terra and what she would face when school let out. Would he hurt her more at home? Eli couldn’t help but be concerned for Terra. The way she looked today and the way she told Eli that they couldn’t be friends.

Terra’s words never hit her eyes, she never showed emotion. Eli wondered if she regretted not being able to talk to him. But if it caused her danger then maybe Eli should back off. Unfortunately backing off wasn’t Eli’s style he smirked to himself as he thought about ways to get under her skin.

She was ride to him, and even though her reasons were because of her boyfriend, Eli didn’t think it was fair to be treated like crap when all he ever did was be nice to her. Maybe he could rile up her boyfriend as well.

After all, Eli though, I could fight this battle.

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