Fourteen: Reach out hold on tight. I know it hurts but keep trying.

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Chapter Fourteen: Reach out hold on tight. I know it hurts but keep trying. And with your luck this won't be over quick.

Terra :.:

Terra woke to a knocking sound. She rubbed her tired eyes and looked up at Eli’s dark eyes. She flushed a red color, not realizing she had fell asleep with him on the couch. “Morning” Eli smirked at Terra and she couldn’t help but to giggle. Eli looked shocked for a moment and Terra was about to ask him what it was about until a loud knocking sounded from Josie’s front door.

Whitney stirred in her sleep and looked up at the door, then to Josie. “Josie you going to get that?” She asked her sister in a tired tone. “Who could it be?” Josie asked then Terra took note of the time, noon. Terra pushed her fringe out of her eyes and looked at Eli who just shrugged.

Josie opened the door slightly. “Oh, hey Tyler” Josie said then Terra looked at Eli, sitting up rapidly as Tyler barged into the room. “Terr-Bear… “ Tyler trailed off when he noticed the blanket laying amongst Eli and Terra’s laps. “Hi, Ty. I wasn’t expecting you” Terra tried o keep her voice calm. She had no idea what Tyler had seen. Did she move away from Eli in time?

“I guess not” Tyler sneered then walked into the rest of the living room like he owned the place and grabbed Terra’s wrist pulling her off the couch, Terra stumbled almost falling on her face, Tyler hadn’t even steadied her. At this point Terra noticed Eli stand tall, giving Tyler a warning glance. “Tyler what are you doing?” Josie snapped at him. He turned to her and smirked. “Me and Terr-bear have plans” Terra didn’t dare look at Tyler she was way too afraid. Terra started fidgeting with her hoodie sleeve, not sure what to do.

“You could have called first” Josie snapped. Terra prayed in her head that Josie would let it go. “Why, why on earth would I have to call first- Tyler stopped talking to glance at Eli harshly –Was there something to hide” He finished seething. Terra flinched as Tyler pulled her to him. Terra then yelped in pain when he grabbed her stitches. “Ty please, be careful my stitches” Tyler looked at Terra threateningly, with his eyes Terra could tell it was a warning.

Eli stood and looked at Tyler. “If you tug on her wrist like that one more time, I guarantee you will be laid on the floor. And not gently” Terra looked at Eli and noticed he was in a confident stance, his fists clenched. Tyler looked down at Terra. “You have a body guard, isn’t this the guy you shouldn’t be around?” Tyler asked her he pulled on her wrist before looking at Eli.

Eli launched a fist at Tyler’s face, who tried to dodge it but Eli got his lip by an inch. Blood trickled down his chin, and Tyler wiped it off. Terra stood frozen in fear. She had never seen Tyler take a hit and not fight back. Tyler spit blood on Josie’s floor before grabbing Terra’s arm. “You don’t have to go with him” Eli told her looking at her intently.

Terra felt she was at a crossroad. Should she stay? Or would it be safest to go with Tyler, take his wrath and listen to him in order to get through this Saturday. “I-I” Terra stuttered looking down she fought back her tears, then looked up at Tyler. “Let’s go… Ty” Terra looked at Eli, who looked shocked beyond belief after she met his haze he glared and looked away. Tyler smirked at Eli. “Good choice Terr-Bear” He held Terra’s arm and lead her out of Josie’s house.

Once in Tyler’s car they were driving and Terra noticed they were almost at her house. Tyler hadn’t said a word to Terra, about anything. When they reached her house, Terra noticed a familiar BMW. Her mother’s car. She was safe. Tyler never hit her in front of her mother. “Ah, your mom is back” Tyler smiled and reached for Terra’s hand, she flinched but relaxed as Tyler held it gently in his.

“Mom” Terra called once inside her house. “In here, dear” Her mother called back. Terra went to her mother’s home office and smiled when she saw her. Terra’s mom had Terra’s dark hair but unlike Terra’s eyes which were bright blue, her mom’s were a bright green. Terra’s mom took Terra into a warm hug. “I missed you, were you okay alone?” Her mom asked smiling and now noticing Tyler. “Oh hi Tyler” Tyler smiled warmly and shook her hand.

“Hi Ms. Mason” Tyler smiled warmly at Terra’s mom who soaked up all of his act. Terra looked to the floor, if only her mother knew the truth. “Well, I only came to take Terra out. But I will gladly let you two catch up” Tyler smiled at Ms. Mason and then at Terra. “You’re so wonderful Tyler, I swear Terra lucked out with you” She smiled warmly at him.

“Bye, Terr-Bear.” Tyler kissed Terra on the temple before stepping out of the room. Terra heard the front door shut and she sighed of relief. “Terra, what happened to your arm?” Her mother rushed over examining it. “Oh I just had an accident” Her mother looked worried. “Did Tyler do this?” Terra looked at her mom shocked.

“Oh what a great guy, he took you to the hospital to get you all bandaged up. He’s a keeper Terra” Her mother smiled before walking off. For a moment Terra thought her mother did see Tyler’s trued colors. Terra felt tears start to fall as she left the room, walking up to her bedroom. “Terra, are you okay sweetie?” Her mom asked, waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

“Yeah, just tired” Terra’s voice was clouded with tears. She hurried to her room and locked the door. Once safe inside hours went by, Terra’s mom asked her to come down for dinner. Terra only pretended to be asleep, not wanting to face her mom.

Around seven at night Terra walked through the hall down to her mom’s home office. “Mom I’m meeting a friend” Terra didn’t wait for approval before she left the house. She walked down to the park, only a few minutes from her house. A few minutes prior Terra had sent Eli a message asking him to meet her here.

Terra walked and sat down on a bench, she hope more than anything that Eli would show up, when a tall dark figure came closer Terra noticed it to be him. “Hey” She said softly. Something was wrong though. Eli wouldn’t meet her gaze. He stood with his arms crossed. “What did you want?” He growled.

What did I do wrong now?

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