Eleven: No point trying to hide it. No point trying to erase me

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Chapter Eleven: There’s no point trying to hide it. No point in trying to erase me.

Eli :.:

Eli dodged a swift punch to the mouth, and then with his wrist blocked a kick to the stomach. Eli began panting hard until someone screamed, “Cops! Cops! Cops!” Eli quickly jumped the guy he was fighting and knocked him hard in the face, to the point of being unconscious. Smirking, Eli grabbed the money and ran off.

Sirens could be heard from down the street as Eli ran home. He reached into his pocket putting the money safely inside. Once far away enough Eli grabbed his IPod and began listening, not worrying about the cops. That was the one thing that frightened Eli about his illegal fighting. Getting arrested.

Eli had plans to go to college he knew he wouldn’t be fighting all of his life; it was something he used to vent now, besides music fighting was Eli’s favorite thing to have. As Eli flipped through his songs he came across Face Down by The Jumpsuit Apparatus. Eli turned the volume up and thought for awhile.

He wondered what Terra was doing at this moment in time; it was now growing to nine at night. Eli sighed and shoved his hands in his pocket. The chilly October wind nipped at his face. Truth was Eli loved the cold, it made him feel numb, and that feeling was unlike any other.

Once he reached home, Eli’s parents were nowhere in sight, the house was silent except about ten vodka bottles and other various addictions his parent’s held. Eli walked away from the sight quickly he hated seeing that stuff and wished he could be somewhere happier.

Once alone and safe in his room Eli through his coat on the bed and sat at his computer, where he receive about ten aim messages. “What the hell?” Eli sighed clearly annoyed. Most of the messages were from Josie telling him to call her immediately and that she wanted to talk. However talking wasn’t one of Eli’s favorite things.

There was a message from Whitney telling Eli she was sorry about Josie grilling him and expecting him to answer all of her questions, she wished he were safe and told him she’d see him at school tomorrow. However just as Eli was about to close the messages, one was blinking on the right hand corner.

What caught his eye was the screen name. CrYf0rHeLpXoX Eli pondered for a moment before finally hitting the receive button and reading the text. You were right. –Terra. Eli was shocked. He stood frozen staring at those same three words. You were right. You were right. You were right. They chanted in his head over and over.

Eli stood, leaving the message window open, he couldn’t bring himself to delete it or ignore it. He left the message but never replied. He quickly added the name to his list and a soft sound came from his speakers announcing that Terra was indeed still there. Eli sat back down staring intently on the screen, Not sure what to do he posted an away message. What happened? Was all he wrote in the little box.

Eli yawned and grew tired from his day. He waited for Terra to reply but she never did, at least that’s what he thought. Eli fell asleep about fifteen minutes after being home, His alarm clock going off in the morning is what woke him up. Lifting his head form his computer desk, Eli slammed his fist down on the small device that woke him. He groaned and ran a hand through his hair.

After yawning Eli stood and stretched. He got dressed for school and when he was about to grab his IPod from his desk he noticed the aim window blinking, a message from Terra. I will tell you everything, when it’s safe. Eli thought about this for a moment, he decided it was best not to reply since she was offline shortly after that message was sent.

As he walked to school he thought of what to do when he saw Terra. Should he confront her about the messages, or should he let her come to him. Eli wasn’t sure what to do he had never been in this predicament before, and he wasn’t quite sure how to handle a situation like this. How was he going to find out if every time Terra tried to talk to him, Tyler was around?

Once reaching the school, Eli walked in and to his locker. He slipped his jacket inside and continued to grab his books and other supplies for his day. It was Friday and Eli was thankful. The bell for first period rang and on his way to class Eli bumped into two familiar faces. Josie and Terra.

“Hey Eli, Are you going to come over today?” Josie asked. But Eli didn’t respond he and Terra had locked eyes and both wouldn’t look away. Eli felt stiff like her couldn’t move. He was glued to Terra’s eyes and he couldn’t look away, as a final warning bell for class rang Eli looked straight at Terra as he spoke.

“I’ll be there.”

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