Chapter Thirty: How Far Will You Go?

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*Sorry, I don't have much time to upload, So I'm putting this out as fast as I can, I don't have time to proof read, so you're going to have to just bear with me. Thank you.*

Terra :.:

Terra reached her house after another day of school, It was just three nights before the fight would occur, and she couldn't help but feel a wave of nausea overcome her every time she thought about it. Eli hasn't tried contacting her since the incident that they had, and Terra didn't try to either.

At this point in time, Terra felt like she should just go her own way, Or just call the cops the night of the fight, to try and put a stop to everything. Josie came over, and Terra used this time to talk to her about everything.

"I already know most of the story" Josie said confidently. Terra shook her head, but before she could respond Josie did. "Look, You know how you and Eli felt about this entire situation. He is trying to protect you. It may not be the right way of doing things but it is logical, and as your best friend. You need to decided quickly what matters"

Terra waited patiently not knowing what to say. "I just don't want him to go through with all this. I would rather call the cops and go to court and do it the right way. I don't want my troubles to get Eli into a lot of trouble, even prision."

Josie shook her head. "You guys should have talked this over. You should have made a logical decision, and you should not have fought the way you guys did, it's stupid"

Terra nodded gently, allowing her friend to know that she understood what she was saying. "I just, I know that Tyler threatened us. But I need to go to the police, I'm not so afraid anymore"

"Well, good. You can win this if it goes to court, I believe in you, and I know you can do it." 

Terra smiled at her best friends words, before hugging her closer to herself.

"Without you, I would die" Josie smirked, as Terra began to laugh quietly.

"I know" Josie winked.


Later that night, Terra decided to text Eli. Upon doing so she never got an answer, and once two hours passed she decided to just give up all together. That was her effort if he didn't want her to contact him then she wouldn't.

"I give up" Terra said softly, before there was a small tap on her bedroom door. "Yeah"

"Hello, darling" Terra's mom had just walked in. "You're finally back!" Terra smiled when he mother hugged her she held her close. "Something wrong?" 

A subtle nod was the reply. Terra's mother took a seat beside her on her bed, carefully watching her facial expressions. "Mom, Tyler abused me, our entire relationship"

"I know.." Tears began to stream down her mother's face, Terra felt her stomach tighten up. "I couldn't do anything about it, until you told me yourself" Terra began to tear up.

"Well he said he would no longer be in me and Eli's lives as long as Eli beat him in a fist fight" Terra swallowed nervously. "Mom. He's going to get hurt. I want to go to the police, but I feel like I will be betraying him"

Terra began to sob, her mother held her tightly. "Terra it's not betryal, it's the right thing to do. Whenever you feel like something is right, and I mean truly down in your heart you feel that way, then usually it is right"

"I will help you as much as I can, after all you are my daughter. We can hire a lawyer tomorrow, and see what we can do" Her mother rubbed her back soothingly.

"What if I cna't prove all the abuse, what if things don't go the way I want them to?" Terra was suddenly filled with doubt. What if she lost against him in court? What would happen then? Would she completely be unsafe and have to live hiding the rest of her life?

"Sweetie, I believe in you. You can do this. There is no way in hell that anyone would believe him over you after all the evidence. We can do this"

Terra nodded stiffly, still not completely convinced.

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