Twenty One: Next time you point a finger,I'll point you to the mirror.

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Chapter Twenty One: Next time you point a finger,I'll point you to the mirror.

Eli :.:

Eli woke the next day barely being able to move, he was more sore than usual. Last night Eli had went and fought in the warehouse, he couldn't help himself. There was a new member or the fight club and Eli wanted to text the mans abilitys. However, Eli took a royal punch, or several for that matter; despite beating the man. Eli took home five hundred dollars the previous night and he was proud.

There was a knock on Eli's bedroom door and he looked at it oddly, not realizing who it would be. "Eli, you have a visitor" His mom shot Eli a look before leaving and letting someone else in. A dark haired boy walked into the room, Eli shot out of bed. "Kale?" Eli asked uncertainly. "What's up?" The dark haird boy smirked. Eli fist bumped him, he ahdn't seen Kale in such a long time. Kale was Eli and Josie's best friend, not dating Whitney.

"I thought we could walk to school today, I live next door and I realized you live here" Kale smirked at Eli and Eli smiled. "Sure, sure" Kale left Eli's room so he could get ready. Once finished, Eli and Kale began walking to school. "You know, I went to Whitney's yesterday and that girl Terra was there" Eli watched as Kale awaited Eli's interested glance. "Yeah?" Eli asked suddenly interested.

"Mhm, she's a really nice girl. She's freaking tiny" Kale laughed and Eli stayed silent. "Well anyways, I over heard some things. That girl is into you, man" Kale looked at Eli and smirked. Eli was quiet for a few moments. The information processing in his mind made his stomach do flips, which has never happened before, atleast not for someone.

"Oh" Was all Eli could come up with as he was frozen in words. Eli thought about Terra, about how she has this pull that Eli just craves to get closer to, it pulls him in; but he's always afraid of scaring her off. It's been almost three weeks since Eli has known Terra and it drove him nuts just how much he awaited to see her beautiful face in the morning at school, and how much he wanted to be near her. Perhaps, Eli liked Terra too.

"I think you two would look great together" Kale finally commented as him and Eli reached the school. "You do?" Eli asked hesitantly. "For sure" Kale smirked. Once inside Kale was met face to face with a smiling Whitney. "Hi guys" She greeted Eli and Kale. Eli waved slightly then left Whitney and Kale to themselves. Eli wanted to see one person, Terra.

"Wheres Terra?" Eli asked Josie when he found her first. Josie looked at him oddly. "I'm not sure, she should be here soon" Eli nodded and left to his locker. He waited patiently for Terra to show up. Eli almost thought something was wrong, but he tried to calm himself. After ten minutes Josie came running up to Eli. "What is it?" He asked her horror stricken face. "T-Terra she's home, she can't come to school today" Eli looked at Josie oddly for a moment before he widened his eyes.

Tyler had gotten to her.

"I'm going to see her" Eli ran off and left the school grounds rushing as fast as he oculd to Terra's home. When he finally reached her house it was silent, and her home look undisturbed. Eli knocked on her front door urgently, a small figured women answered, an older looking Terra. Her mother no doubt, Eli took note. "Is Terra here?" Eli asked the mother hesitantly. "Yeah, but she's not up for visitors" Her mother gave Eli a worried look.

"Please, trust me she would want to see me" Eli smiled warmly at Terra's mom. "Okay" Terra's mom nodded and opened the front door enough for Eli to step in. "Up the stairs, it's the third door on your left" Terra's mother explained smiling warmly down at Eli. "Thanks" He muttered before darting up the stairs and reaching a bedroom door he felt was Terra's upon knocking Eli opened the door.

"Terra?" He asked quietly, stepping into the room Eli noticed Terra laing on her bed. "Eli, what are you doing here?" Terra started to sit up and Eli noticed a white cast on Terra's arm from her elbow to her wrist. "Are you okay?" Eli asked urgently sitting next to Terra on her bed. Terra smiled sadly. "He jumped me last night, on my way home from Whitney's" Terra started crying, sitting up she dropped her face in Eli's chest.

Eli wrapped his arms around Terra's small figure and held her tightly. "Does your mom know?" Eli asked, from the look on Terra's moms face this morning Eli figured she had known. "No, she thinks I was mugged or something, Eli I was so scared" Terra cried harder and Eli stroked her back gently. "It's okay, I'm here now" Eli tried to calm Terra. "Please, don't leave me" Terra whispered weakly into Eli's chest. Eli froze for a moment.

"I would never" He whispered, without another moments hesitation Eli kissed the top of Terra's head, then rested his on hers. "E-Eli, I want you-" Terra's words were cut off and Eli cursed as Terra's bedroom door was opened. "Terra, I have to go sweetie. Are you going to be okay?" Her mother asked gently and slightly worried. Eli looked at her mother. "I promise nothing will happen to her" Terra's mom smiled. "Thanks" She kissed Terra's head and left without another word.

"Terra?" Eli asked her gently. Terra pushed her head up and looked into Eli's eyes. "Yeah?" She asked hesitantly. Eli felt his palms go sweaty. "Terra, I'm sorry this happend to you" Eli felt genuinely bad inside, he felt awful that he wasn't there to protect Terra, when he had promised that Tyler wouldn't touch her again.

"It's not that bad of a break, Eli it's not your fault. It's mine for walking home alone late" Terra did her best to smile at Eli, but he knew it was strained. "Terra, call me when you need to be walked home, or when your alone. I will more than happily accompany you" Eli smiled at Terra and she smiled warmly. "Okay" She agreed.

Terra move slightly putting pressure on Eli's chest. Eli hissed in pain and Terra jumped back looking at him worriedly. "Are you okay?" She asked nervously. "Yeah just a scratch" He smirked and Terra looked at him oddly. Eli could tell she knew he was lying. "I don't think so let me see" Ignoring Eli's protests Terra lifted his shirt, and it revealed to her is deep gash form a knife.

"Oh my god" Terra cried. "It's fine really" Eli smiled Terra shook her head and pushed him down on her bed. "Rest, it's okay for you to stay here for a little while" Terra smiled at eli before leaving her room. Eli layed back and his head hit Terra's pillows. Her scent filled his nostrils and he breathed in happily content.

Terra came back into the room with a bad of ice. She put it against Eli's skin. "Woah that's cold" He flinched and Terra giggled slightly. "Sorry" She smiled down at Eli. Eli took Terra's hand and pulled her to him, she fixed herself against his chest and Eli soon started felling the way his stomach reacted to her touch.

It felt right.

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