Twenty Nine: This Heart It Beats.

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Chapter Twenty Nine: This Heart It Beats.

Eli :.:

Eli had been training all day through the night, He was cutting school to do so, that also meant less time with Terra. Luckily for Eli, she was the most understanding girl he had met in a long time, and he knew she was okay with this. At the same time Eli spent less time at home, strictly working out at the gym and fighting took most of his time if not all.

Tonight was different, it was only a week until the fight with Tyler, and even though Eli felt ready, He couldn't help the nervousness he felt within, It mad him on edge and not himself. Tonight Eli decided to stop fighting early, He figured he would surprise Terra since they hadn't seen much of each other.

Eli walked to a nearby store, picking up a single red rose- love. Walking to Terra's wasn't far at all ad soon Eli found himself knocking at her door, awaiting her arrival was tormenting, and Eli could barely sit still. He found himself fidgeting with his fingers until finally the squeak of a door was heard.

"Eli" Terra breathed her arms wrapped around his neck wuickly and she kissed him passionately. Eli slipped the rose into her hand gently, and smoothly. "What?" Terra looked down then smiled, looking up she met Eli's eyes. "I Love you, Princess" Eli spoke the words so easily, he adored Terra.

"I love you too" Terra smiled before allowing Eli to step inside, It was already nine at night, Eli got here later than expected, and he had thought he got out early. "I'm tired, I am in my PJ's, I wasn't expecting you" Terra said slightly sadly. Eli felt a wave of guilt, it had been his fault over working.

"I'm sorry, wanna lay down and talk until you fall asleep?" Terra nodded at Eli's suggestion and together they laid down in Terra's bed. Eli was on his back his arms holding Terra securely to him, the smell of vanilla filled his nostrils. "Mm, you smell good" Terra slightly giggled. "Thanks"

"You're welcome" Eli smirked. "How was your day, princess?" Eli noticed a smiled reached Terra's lips before she began to speak. "Well school was alright, It sucks that you've been skipping so much, my mom left for another trip today, I've been lonely" Eli felt bad once again.

"I know princess, I'm sorry, I really am. But this fight is next week" Eli spoke. Suddenly Terra sat up looking at Eli, who took this time to sit up as well. "I don't want you to fight, Eli" Eli was caught off guard. "What do you mean? I thought we discussed this already" Eli was slightly irritated.

"No, I don't want you to fight Tyler" Terra clerafied. Eli jumped up onto his feet. "What?!" Terra jumped from the sudden urge in Eli's voice but he noticed she stoo up as well, almost in his face. "Just listen, It could be far too dangerous, Tyler is dirty he will more than likely pull a weapon or something, you can't fight, just leave it alone" Eli was fuming from Terra's words.

"Leave it alone?! I'm doing this for you! For us! What is your problem?" Eli couldn't help his tone, it was loud and harsh. "I can't believe you're yelling at me, Eli I just don't want you to get hurt.." Terra trailed at the end. "That's why I have been training all day and night, Damn Terra don't be selfish" Eli snapped before he could stop himself.

"I'm selfish?" Terra started, tears forming in her eyes. "This so called fight is to protect me, However instead of a logical way to escape you want to bash his skull in with your fists and call it a day, Do you think that will stop him? And if you hurt him, you will end up in prison, I can't believe how selfish you're being not even considering my feelings on this matter!" Terra finished and stiffened crossing her arms over her chest.

"I'm going to destroy him, it's not up for discussion" Eli snapped. His voice was laced with fury and anger, at this point he needed to leave. He couldn't be around Terra, he couldn't understand how she thought. He couldn't understand her logic he was doing this to protect her and she still has a problem with it.

"Oh well that's nice, guess you really don't care" Terra snapped, walking away. Before he could stop himself Eli grabbed her arm roughly and pulled her to him. "Don't walk away from me" Terra flinched violently at Eli. Upon noticing he realized what he was doing and let her go. "I gotta go" He stated, leaving without another word.

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