Sixteen: It's all because I believe in you. I know now you believe in me too.

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Chapter Sixteen: It's all because I believe in you. I know now that you believe in me too.

Terra :.:

Terra woke early Sunday morning to the sound of her bedroom door being opened. Terra yawned slightly and stretched, when she looked up she noticed Tyler entering her room. Terra didn't feel scared, she figured he wouldn't hit her since her mother was here. "Hi" Terra said softly sitting up, her black camisole revealing her wrapped wrist.

"Your mom left, early" Was all Tyler spoke before he glared at Terra. Suddenly Terra held her arms up in defense and felt her fears rising. "No, no please!" Terra was shaking violently in fear. Tyler grabbed a fist full of her hair and pinned her face down ito her blankets, she almost began hyperventilating due to the fact she was claustiphobic. Terra was having trouble and did the next best thing she swung her fist, colliding with Tyler's face he let go.

"You bitch!" He spat before letting her go. He glared down at her and she covered her face in fear of being hit. "I want to break up" Terra told him nervously. Tyler was silent for a moment before he started laughing. "As if, this is a mutual relationship, which means if I don't want to break up then we won't" Tyler reached for Terra's arm but she dodged him and jumped off her bed.

Tyler chased her grabbing her shoulder and slamming her face fist into a wall. Terra sobbed. "I don't love you, I hate you" She wasn't quite sure if it was Eli's words that gave her the courage to stand up, or if it was because she was finally ready. Whatever it was, Terra fought back with fire in her eyes. "What?!" Tyler said before throwing a fist, Terra dodged and his fist hit the wall.

Already across the room Terra held up her hands, Her body freezing as the chilly October wind form her window smacked against her bare legs and arms. "Who do you possibly think you are?" Tyler snorted at Terra. "I'm the girl who will finally stick up or herself, Why do you even want me Tyler? All you do is beat me and sleep with Madison?!" Terra was livid and finally using her anger to her adantage.

"How dare you talk to me like that Terr-Bear!" Tyler seethed. Terra rolled her eyes. "Don't call me that, i'm not your Terr-Bear. Get out were done!" Terra screamed while aimlessly dodging all of Tyler's hits. "Terra, you home?" Terra's eyes siddenyl went wide at the sound of her mother's voice. "Yes" She hollered down the stairs. Tyler stood in Terra's face threatningly. "This will not be the last that you see of me" He pushed Terra into her bookshelf, knocking off all her books and collectibles. Glass shattered and Terra's mom came into the room.

"What's going on h-" she trailed when she noticed Terra on the floor holding her side and Tyler dangerously close. "Get out of my house!" Her mother shouted glaring at Tyler. Shrugging he spoke up, "It was an accident, no need to freak out Ms. Mason" Terra's mom glared at Tyler. "Out!" She screamed one last time before he finally looked at Terra one last time, then left.

Ms. Mason rushed over to Terra, examining her arm and side. "I'm sorry Terra" Terra couldn't speak, tears flooded her vision. "I ahve to go see someone" Terra spoke softly before grabbing some clothes and rushing to her bathroom to get changed once out she grabbed her cell phone and left the house. Once outside Terra rushed over to Josie's house. "Where does Eli live?" She demanded of her best friend. "Terra, I really don't think that it's a good idea" Terra looked at Josie intently. "It's important"

Josie nodded and quickly explained to Terra where Eli lived. After thanking her friend, Terra was off towards the direction of Eli's house. Terra hand't been this way before, she took note of Eli's home it was on a deserted street, not much around except a side street going off of his street. Terra took a deep breath before placing her fist on the door and knocking.

Terra heard a lot of commotion, including shouting. Due to the door being closed Terra couldn't hear what the shouting was about. "Can I help you?" A tall women asked, form the smell Terra could tell she was drunk and she almost lost ehr train of thought as she peered into the womens uninterested eyes. "I'm T-terra, I-I'm here to see Eli" Terra nervously stuttered. "Well, we weren't expecting visitors" His mother said before sighing roughly and opening the door wide so Terra could step in.

"Thank you" Terra nodded at the women she naturally guessed was Eli's mother. "Last door down that hallway" The women pointed before walking off into another direction and slamming a door. Terra walked quietly down the hall, She passed a kitchen on her way down it, and a bathroom. The house was fairly small. It wasn't all that messy, just your classic home.

Terra reached a bedrom door that had yellow "caution" signs all over it. She took a deep breathe once again to calm her nerves, just as her fist was going to hit the door Terra looked down. Eli was very displeased with her last night, what if he didn't want to see her? what if he yelled and told her to leave? Terra shook the thoughts from her head, she had to try.

Knock. Knock. Terra folded her arms, before hearing a quiet. "Enter" she recognized Eli's voice. Terra slid her hand along the door knob silently opening it. She stepped into view and noticed Eli laying on his bed. He immediately sat up looking at Terra dangerously. "Let me talk first please" Terra whispered softly. Eli stayed silent. Terra looked at a computer chair and slowly sat down on it.

"I broke up with him" Terra's words felt weird leaving her mouth. Never in years would she have ever thought she could say something so bold, and about Tyler. "What?" Eli asked inching closer so he was haunched over, leaning in Terra's face. Terra blushed and looked into Eli's eyes. "Help me now?" She weakly asked him. Eli grinned and Terra jumped as he suddenly wrapped her in his arms.

"I'm so proud of you!" Terra giggled at Eli's words and quickly explained to him in detail, everything that had happened. Finishing off with: "He said I wouldn't see the last of him" Eli listened intently the entire time. "Don't worry, I won't let him near you" Eli told Terra firmly. He took her hands into his.

"I'm here for you, now" He smiled at Terra. Terra vlushed once again, Eli was really starting to grow on her. She liked the idea of him being with her, of hi protecting her, Terra was so damaged that she couldn't possibly imagine anyone wanting her though.

"Anyways, how did you know I lived here?" Eli suddenly asked, all happiness erased from his voice. "I asked Josie, I'm sorry for intruding I just really wanted to see you" Terra blushed at the last part when Eli's eyebrow rose. She looked away shyly. "Umm.. your mom let me in" Terra said softly.


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