Thirty Five: Guardian Angel, I awake to you.

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Eli :.:

Every thing felt odd. I was in a dream word. Every thing was white surrounding me, I sat in a courtyard, on bench, a tree stood tall behind it, stopping the snow from flowing down on me, even though the wind made the snowflakes fall on my nose.

They were cold, but the cold didn't feel so bad. As I sat on this bench in the middle of the snow I realized the cold didn't affect me what so ever. It was odd, normally I would be shaking uncontrollably when I looked down I was shocked even more, I saw my clothes that I wore when I fought Tyler, they were bloodied.

Blood dripped from the light hooded sweatshirt, and swirled in the snow below my feet, I looked down and just watched as my warm blood made small holes in the snow, where it's heat melted the snow.

The first part of snow where the blood fell was pink, a very light pink, then as it traveled further through the snow, it was deep red, the color was actually very gorgeous, I enjoyed it.

I didn't understand why I was here, or what this place even was. I decided to just sit for a while until I was ready to move. It seemed like my body wasn't affected by all this bleeding which was odd to me. I coulnd't grasp what was happening to me.

I faintly heard the words to Colder than my heart if you can imagine, By ADTR, I couldn't figure where it was coming from but I found myself singing along to the words.

"Let's leave the light

I'm still singing "Whoa"


Don't say you won't let it go

'Cause you'll never know

(You'll never know)"

My voice seemed to attract a faint image of a person. I could barely see them but the walked through the heavy flowing snow, when they got close I could see dark raven colored hair, and bright blue orbs. 

Her body was white, almost like an angels with it's warm glow. She smiled at me with her red lips and her rosy cheeks. She looked more beautiful now than she ever had before.

"Eli" The angel whispered.

"I Love You" she whispered again.

She stood about ten feet away from me, the bench seemed freezing now, the weather and my body stiffened. There was an eerily feeling in the atmosphere, I couldn't get a grasp on it.

She began to walk backwards just a few feet. I could see that she was beginning to lessen her glow, almost like she was fading away.

"Wait.." I said softly, I tried to get up and realized my body wouldn't move. It was almost as if I was glued to the spot. She backed away several more feet, I could barely see her, the only thing Ispotted now was her raven hair blowing in the windy snow storm.

"Wait.. Wait!!" My voice had no sound, it was barely a whisper.. It frustrated me. I fought furiously until I heard nothing. There was no sound. I couldn't here her, I couldn't here the snow fall, or the wind blow the empty trees.

It was as if you blocked my ears at a concert, I could see everything but I couln't hear anything.

I fought the urge to let myself get carried away into this existence. I fought to awaken my legs, to get them up off this bench and moving...

"He's stable" A voice said." It seems he will be just fine" The doctor spoke softly. 

Eli took in everyone in the room, but he didn't see his guardian angel yet. "Where am I?" Eli asked starting to sit up. "Careful sweetie, you might be weak" The nurse responded as she pulled tehhospital bed to a sitting position, without making Eli move.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions Eli, I will let your family answer most of them. I can answer the ones about you medically though" A doctor stood by the bedside.

"I last remember, fighting" Eli spoke honestly. "Ahh, yeah you were involved in a  fight, they almost put you away but saw it as self defense, you were shot Eli, you went into cardiac arrest which put you in a coma.. It's been three months"

The doctor continued. "I have never seen someone recover so well from something like this, you reextremely lucky.. and no amnesia it seems.. so even more lucky" The doctor looked to the door and soon Eli did, Terra stood tears falling form her eyes, a slight smile on her face.

"I will leave you too alone" the doctor smiled at Terra before leaving the room.

"Terra.. " Before Eli could say anything else she ran for his bed and enveloped him in a hug, she began to sob. "Oh Princess, please don't cry"

"I was so scared, I thought I lost you.. oh my god" Terra' words were slight whispers as her crying and sobbing made it hard to talk.

Eli wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm here now, I pulled through just to see you, You're my angel.."

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