Twenty Five: Sick of all the insincere,I'm gonna give all my secrets away.

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Chapter Twenty Five: Sick of all the insincere, So I'm gonna give all my secrets away.

Eli :.:

Eli laid awake for several hours now, As he watched the sun bloom he listened to Terra's steady breathing. She was still asleep. Gently laying his head back against the pillows, Eli laid silently still, in fear of waking Terra. She needed a good rest, and Eli keeping her safe was the only she would stay that way.

Eli thought about how he was scheduled to fight tonight, it didn't start until ten which meant he had plenty of time to spend with his princess. A princess little Terra was, so sweet and perfetly pure with innocence, the way her pale cheeks lit up a rose red when she blushed towards Eli, all this thinking made his heart soar with emotions.

Eli stopped all his thoughts as he felt the fragile princess beside him move. Listening to her soft yawn Eli smiled as Terra leaned up on her arm, looking down at Eli. "What time is it?" she asked her soft angelic voice sending shivers down Eli's spine. "Twelve, noon" Eli repsonded. Terra widened her eyes. "What?" Eli asked worriedly. "I never sleep that late" Terra let out a small laugh and Eli was mezmerized by it.

Eli's breathing picked up when Terra held her weight up, hovering over Eli with both arms. His chest rose and fell with every inch Terra got closer. He wasn't used to the extreme proximity, usually Terra was extremely timid. Watching her every movement Eli was shocked when Terra's lips brushed gently against his. When Eli didn't kiss back he noticed Terra's eyes flinch with pain.

Quickly holding her cheek gently in his hand, Eli pulled Terra back to him and planted a loving kiss on her small lips. "Sorry" Eli whispered against them. "You caught me off guard" Eli explained before stealing another kiss from Terra's lips. "I forgive you" Terra's smile warmed Eli's heart. "Thank you" Eli winked before sitting up, and Terra following in suit.

"Terra, my princess. I would like to take you out on an official date tonight" Eli said shyly his cheeks rising with heat as he held Terra's hand. "I would love that" Terra whispered to Eli. Eli watched as Terra blushed too before hopping off her bed. "Umm.. I should shower and stuff" Terra looked bashful and Eli smiled at her.

"Okay, I will wait for you downstairs, take your time" Terra smiled at Eli before he left her room. Walking down the stairs Eli watched as he past he broken vase on the floor, and the messed up rug. Sighing he walked into Terra's kitchen. Once he heard the shower on he grabbed the trash bin in her kitchen and brought it upstairs.

After cutting his hand on glass, Eli cursed and tried to pick up the rest. Once finished, Eli fixed the rug to it's familiar place. Once everything was back to it's normal standard Eli walked back into Terra's kitchen fixing the trash bin to it's normal spot and walking to her sink to tend to his cut hand. "What happened?" A small gentle voice made Eli jump from surprise. When he turned he took in Terra's wet raven black hair, it brought out her eyes blue eyes that penetrated his at this exact moment.

"You're bleeding..." Terr trailed before grabbing a small box out from under the sink and washing Eli's hand. Eli froze at first, not sure how to react. No one had ever done something like this for him before. After Eli watched Terra bandage his cut hand he sighed and looked at the time, he would take her out to lunch, the start of their date.

"Ready to eat?" He asked Terra softly, nodding she reached for his hand and let him lead her outside. Walking down the street to a small burger place they reached the building. "Table for two?" A young blonde girl asked, Eli smiled and nodded. The girl led them to a small booth and Eli sat across from Terra, watching her carefully.

"May I take your order?" The young waitress asked after Eli had ordered their drinks. "Two salads, please" Terra smiled as Eli winked at her, The waitress smiled and back out of the booth, going to put their orders in. Eli placed his hand on the table, leaving it opened. Terra looked down at his hand timidly before brushing her hand into his. Eli held onto her hand and brought it to his lips, gently kissing her hand.

Eli noticed the blush on Terra's face it made her look beautiful. Eli smiled at Terra finally happy that he could give her what she deserves. "Eli?" Terra softly said his name, sending pleasurable chills down his spine. "Yeah?" He responded back looking at her in question. "Thank you" Terra gently smiled and Eli watched her, smiling himself. "You deserve it" Terra blushed and jumped when the waitress came up to the table, handing them the food.

"Enjoy" She smirked before walking away. Terra looked at the direction the waitress had came oddly, Eli took note and smirked to himself. "Shall we?" Eli asked pointing to the food, Terra smiled and nodded. A little while later, Eli paid for their food and reached for Terra's hand; leading her outside.

"Umm Eli" Terra spoke as she felt a single rain drop. "Yes, Terra?" Eli looked at how shyly Terra was looking down at the ground, he smiled to himself. He was happy to see her looking so much more alive since last night. "I-I.. Uhh" Eli watched Terra's words fumble from her mouth. He could tell she was nervous but why. Rain began to fall upon them and Eli cursed as they began to get wet. "Change of plans I guess, shall we go to my house?" Terra nodded and Eli grabbed her hand starting to walk.

"Wait!" Terra suddenly called over the heavy rain, with his hair dripping into his face Eli watched her oddly, wondering what she wanted. "Kiss me" Eli gave Terra a shocked look. "What?" He asked as rain poured down his face, it began to pour outside now. "Please, I want you to kiss me" Terra blushed furiously and Eli couldn't control the trememdous feeling she gave him.

"Of course, my princess" Eli cupped Terra's cheek and as he leaned in he watched her beautiful blue eyes light up before closing, as he closed his he leaned in the entire way and gently but passionately, kissed Terra. Once trapped in each other's lips, Terra wrapped her arms around Eli's neck deepening the kiss. Eli's hand stayed at her cheek as his other snaked around her waist pulling her closer.

After five minutes Eli broke away and started panting, he watched as Terra was catching ehr breathe too. "Wow" He whispered watching her gorgeous blue eyes bore into his own dark ones. "Thank you" She said softly, smiling.

"For what?" Eli wasn't sure what he had done to recieve a thank you, so he figured he'd ask. Terra blushed furiously and grabbed Eli's hands holding them in her own, Eli's heart soared with powerful and positive emotions.

"For being the first guy to kiss me in the rain" Terra whispered.

Eli smiled so wide before cupping her cheek once more,

As he crashed his lips to hers, Their mouths dance in the rain.

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