Two: Pain, is only weakness leaving the body.

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Chapter Two: Pain, is only weakness leaving the body.

Eli :.:

Eli woke abruptly from the sound of a glass shattering down the hall. He hurried out of bed and left his room to inspect what went wrong. When he neared the door way to his parents' kitchen, he took note of his mother holding the counter top. His dad slammed the bedroom door, locking himself away as usual.

Lying on the floor smashed t pieces was a chine set that his mother once loved. "Everything okay?" Eli dared to ask. His mother turned to him, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Just. Perfect." She walked away form him, out the ront door, slamming it as well. Eli sighed and walked down the hall to his room to get ready for school.

After slipping out his front door with his book bag on one shoulder, and his hand on his Ipod he blasted the music until he couln't hear anything else around him. Eli began his walk to school, he only lived a block away so he simply didn't take long to get there, unless he skipped for "fights". Eli smirked as he saw a familiar face hiding behind a bush, down a familiar side street.

Eli dropped his book bag and did what he did later every night, Fought. Eli ran over to the young guy about the same age as Eli, and punched him in the stomach. The young man doubled over and glared at Eli, throwing his fists to Eli's cheek, which barely missed. Eli smirked and punches the kid again, only this time knocking him to his knees. "want more?" Eli taunted.

Fighting was Eli's escape from his home life. He fights for money every nigh in some old abandoned warehouse. He even scrapped with some younger kids from school. Eli spent most of his time alone at school, mostly because most kids thought he was intimidating, due to his violent nature. Eli dodged a blow to the face, and the guy tackled him to the ground.

"Tonight, at the warehouse. Be. There" The guy spoke to Eli menacingly. "Prepare to loose" Eli threatened, as the guy ran off, Eli noted him to be a guy named Josh who often watched the fights. Eli wlaked back over to his bag taking note of the time on his cell phone. He continued his walk to school, without further interruptions.

Once he reached the school, the bell to first period rang. After grabbing a late slip from the office, Eli walked to his locker. Right before he reached it someone ran into him furiously. His bag dropped to the floor and he took an ear bud out of his ear to glare at the culprit. Unfortunately before he could punch the guy responsible he looked into a pair of beautiful blue eyes. "I-I'm sorry" She spoke so delicately while gathering her books that fell to the floor.

Eli held his hand out to her to help her stand and she flinched about a mile. He looked at her oddly when he noticed a freshly cut lip, on her upper lip. She got up and faced him, She was a lot shorted than him, and her raven black hair was cut in layers that were teased all over her head. Her bangs simply fell over her eyes. "Don't worry about it" Eli finally responded to her, after scrutinizing her appearance.

He picked up a pen off the floor and handed it to her. "I believe this is yours" He smirked. She smiled, and it appeared to be strained. "What's going on here?" A new voice appeared. Eli looked over to his right and noticed a guy walking towards the young girl, he looked angered and Eli smirked at him. Did he want to fight? Eli thought to himself getting his fists ready. 

"Ty, I-I dropped my stuff, A-and he helped me p-pick it up" The raven haired girl, with the beautiful blue eyes spoke to the guy. "Oh is that what happened?" The guy spoke glaring down at the petite girl, she cowered in fear and Eli didn't hesitate to notice. Did this guy give her the busted lip? Eli felt a singe of guilt run through his veins.

"As a matter of fact it is, I was late to class and ran into her, knocking her to the floor. I should be apologizing, But I didn't catch her name" Eli looked between the two of them. "T-Terra is my name" The girl spoke before looking up at the one she called "Ty". Ah she's afraid to speak in front of him? Eli was looking at the signs, he wasn't stupid.

"I'm her boyfriend, and were done here" The guy spoke roughly to Eli. He grabbed Terra's arm roughly and yanked her down the hall. Eli glared down after them. Why was she so afraid, Eli could tell that her boyfriend must be harsh but that girl was cowering in fear from him. How could a man lay a hand on a women? Eli did fight illegally, but he would never harm a women. It was disgusting. 

As Eli walked off to class he decided to forget about the girl, after all it wasn't his fight. Eli had no reaon to get into their business. He shrugged it off as he opneed the door to his first class.

But Eli couldn't help but to think, Who could harm such a beautiful girl?

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