Twenty Seven: None The Richer.

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Chapter Twenty Seven: None The Richer.

Eli :.:

The last thing Eli had heard Terra speak of before she passed out was about a fight, he wasn't quite sure what this fight was about, he had to wait for Terra to wake up before he could question her. Eli had wrapped Terra's large gash up and waited patiently for her. Upon waiting Eli had plenty of time to think of things that Terra could have been referring to.

Eli was very smart for his age. Not to mention judging but what him and Terra had already been through he knew he was dealing with a situation that Tyler decided would be. Eli had pounded his fists against his wall when Terra passed out, he was beyond nervous afraid she wouldn't wake up. After all he hadn't known what really happened to her, and it made him more paranoid than ever.

A soft noise broke Eli from his thoughts, as his eyes moved over to his bed where Terra lay, he observed as she began to move softly. Terra was beginning to wake up. "Terra" Eli softly spoke to her, moving to her side, hoping she would answer. "E-Eli" Terra replied just as softly, her soft bright blue orbs beginning to scrutinize Eli's movements. "Eli" She said once more.

"I'm here princess, I'm right here" Eli kissed Terra's forhead softly giving her reassurance. "How are you feeling?" Eli asked, hesitantly. Terra looked him in the eyes. "I feel okay, thank you for taking care of me." Eli smiled down at Terra. "Anything for you" Terra slightly smiled and Eli noticed realiztion cross her face. "Oh Eli! I'm so sorry for before, Everything I had said, I am truly sorry!!" Terra's tears began to fall and Eli caught them with his fingers.

Eli kissed Terra. "I forgive you, I understand why you got upset, now we have something more important to discuss" Terra nodded her head softly at Eli. Awaiting patiently for her to speak, Eli crawled into his bed laying down next to Terra. "Tell me everything that you remember" Eli said softly, reaching for Terra's hand. She gripped his and cuddeled into him.

"It started when I left your house, Tyler followed me." Terra started to shake, Eli reached for her, pulling her to him, He knew she had started crying. "Calm down my princess, I'm here now" Terra nodded her small fragile head and wiped her tears.

"He said he will leave me alone forever, if you two fight, but you have to beat him" Eli froze after Terra's words. He would have to fight Tyler? "This is ridiculous, Can't we just be happy, He needs to get over himself" Eli reached for Terra's trembing hand. "I'm sorry for all of this" Terra replied to Eli softly. Eli kissed her tears away before opening his mouth in response. "You're worth all of this, My princess" Terra smiled and Eli did in return, he loved her smile.

Eli loved everything about Terra, already it hadn't even been that long since they had been dating and already he fell so in love with her. "I'm going to fight him" Eli decided carefully scrutinizing Terra's face. "I will beat him, and he will keep his word or else I will get the police involved" Eli watched as Terra's eyes widened. "B-but" Eli cut her off with his finger pressed to her lips. "No. No buts, I'm not running for him and you won't either, I'm settling this" Eli looked down hard, confirming he had made up his mind and there was nothing Terra could say or do.

"It will be okay, I promise" Eli told Terra. She finally sat up and he held her in place. "Just be careful with your leg, it's all bandaged up, you're gonna have to take it easy so it heals nicely" Terra smiled at Eli. "Thank you, for everything" Eli smiled and kissed his princess passtionately. "You're more than welcome, Princess" Eli hugged Terra close to him, he savored her closeness.

"I should probabaly get you home though" Eli suddenly said breaking the silence. Terra sighed. "I don't want to go home, yet" Eli looked at her softly. "Well you could stay here, or Josie's is always an option" Terra looked to be in deep thought before she looked back to Eli's eyes. Her blue orbs sparkled with excitement. "I can stay here?" She asked quietly. Eli smiled at the way she spoke. "Yes, you can." Terra smiled as Eli cuddled with her.

An hour later a loud clank from Eli's kitchen distracted him. He had spent a while on his computer researching some fighting techniques while Terra slept soundly in his bed. Turning, Eli took note that Terra was sitting up from her slumber and her eyes were wide, he acknowledge that she more than likely was scared due to the noise.

"Stay here." He firmly told Terra, he watched as she nodded her head. The last thing Eli thought would be aking the noise was Tyler, If Eli knew anything it was that not een Tyler would go that distance after he had already made a threat. As Eli watched down the hall his first fear was realized, His alcoholic mother rested against the sink, Her glass dropped into it clumsily and she threw up once or twice.

"Mom. You have to go lay down." Eli used a firm voice once more. He watched as his mother turned to him, angered by his instructions. "Don't tell me what to do, Do you have any idea where your father is?!" Eli's mothered roared and he sighed internally, He didn't need Terra to witness this stuff. It embarrassed him more than anything else. He hated his home life, and never wished anyone on the outside to see it.

"He's off with some skank who he claims treats him better!" Eli's mother answered her own question. Eli sighed heavily. "Mom, he cheats on you because you're an alcoholic." Eli snapped, His mother glared at him heavily. "And what ungrateful thing he left me with, A crappy juvenile son who is worthless!" Eli's mother screamed so loud, Eli had enough at this point.

Walking away clearly pissed off, Eli walked back into his bedroom and reached for Terra's hand. "Come on" He said, as he spoke to her he took in her expression and knew that she had heard the conversation between him and his mom. He stumbled upon words and just decided not to speak as he lead her safely through he hallway away from his mother, leaving his home.

"Josie said we can hang out there for a while, if you would like?" Eli asked Terra as they walked the cold, damp streets. The street lights illuminated the soft streaks of water from the rain that pattered softly against the smoothe pavement. "Ok." Terra replied softly to Eli. Once reaching Josie's house Eli let go of Terra's hand and she looked back at him questionably.

"What you saw... back there.." Eli trialed trying to find the words but Terra spoke before him. "You'll tell me all about it when you're ready, I'm here for you always and after that day" Eli was taken aback. He felt purely respected and loved as a person. He had enver met anyone as amazing and understanding as his princess, He adored her.

"I Love You" He finally spoke. Terra looked away blushing before reaching his eyes again.

"I Love You Too"

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