Eighteen: Don't give the secret, My stoic face, Beaten with passion.

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Chapter Eighteen: Bite to break skin, Don't give the secret, My stoic face, Beaten with passion.

Terra :.:

Terra woke in the morning to her alarm. Sighing and rolling out of bed she hurredly got dressed and slipped her shoes on. Grabbing her headphones she stepped outside slipping her hood over her long straight hair. Walking to school she listened to Senses Fail.

Once at school Terra didn't know what to expect. She wasn't sure where Tyler was or if he would prve to be dangerous at school. Heading to her locker and slipping her things in a pair of hands wrapped around her eyes, gasping Terra struggled. "Guess who?" The haunting voice made Terra instantly freeze up. Her brething became labored as her anxiety was high.

"Let. Go" She breathed each word. Letting go Tyler turned her around and pushed her against the lockers, roughly. "I told you, that wouldn't be the last you would see me" He smirked menacingly down at her, and she tried to move away from him. Tyler grabbed her wrist and twisted it, she yelped very loudly. "Tyler. Stop" Terra whined and her eyes went wide as Tyler raised a fist to her. When he swung she screamed, but the impact never came.

"Bastard, stay away from her" A familiar gentle voice replied to Tyler sternly. Terra opened her eyes to notice Eli holding Tyler's fist. Tyler looked at Terra who just shrinked behind Eli. "Bitch, I promise we are not over. You don't decide" Tyler yelled at Terra who flinched at his words. Eli smirked at Tyler. "I'm pretty sure you are over" Then he slammed Tyler into a set of lockers, just as Tyler had to Terra.

"Eli" Terra cried running into his arms. By now Josie and Whitney had shown up and glared at Tyler. "I will see you later" Tyler roared pointing at Terra and walking away. "You okay?" Eli asked grasping Terra close to him. Terra burried her face in Eli's chest nodding. Josie rubbed Terra's back gently. "Hang in there, we will all get you through this" He best friend's words meant a lot to Terra.

The bell to their first class rang and whitney groaned before rushing off to class. "Catch you two later" Josie smiled warmly at Terra, who barely returned it. Eli just nodded. Once alone Eli looked down into Terra's eyes. "You okay to go to class?" He asked softly. "I-I think so..." Terra trailed. Truth was she was more sared than ever now. She had to worry about every step she took due to Tyler.

"I will meet you at lunch" Eli smiled at Terra before letting her go and walking his own way to class. Terra sighed and gathered her things. Today would be a long day. Through out her first couple of classes Terra couldn't focus all she could think of was Eli and the way he handled Tyler for her, she was more than grateful. Terra couldn't hlep but to think how great Eli was.

When the bell for lunch rang Terra threw her stuff in her locker and met Josie at hers. "How are you holding up?" Josie asked linking arms with Terra. "Eh, better I guess" Terra shrugged her shoulders to go with her words. Josie looked at Terra and smirked. "What?" Terra asked as they entered the cafeteria. "You and Eli would make a great couple" Terra blushed furiously and hurridely wlaked into the line for lunch.

"I don't know" Was her response. Josie smiled at her and winked. "Come on, I've known him forever. Maybe not right away because you have to completely close off everything with Tyle, but eventually you two would be great for each other" Terra smiled and took everything her friend had told her. "I'll think about it, I mean after all he is great" Terra already liked Eli and their friendship.

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