Nine: Close your eyes, there's nothing you can do.

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Chapter Nine: Close your eyes, there’s nothing you can do.

Eli :.:

Eli sighs as the last bell rings for class, why can’t I forget about her? Is all he can ask himself. Eli can’t help but to feel the need to be around Terra. There was just something about that girl, something that pulled him to her, made him want to get close and really find out what went on inside her head. Eli closed his eyes and he opened his locker, her blues eyes were all he could picture.

“What’s wrong with me?” Eli asked himself out loud. “Nothing” A chirpy voice spoke back. Eli jumped a mile not thinking that anyone had heard him. He met his eyes with Josie’s who was smiling at him. “What?” Eli asked, slightly annoyed. Josie just shook her head and held a hand on his shoulder. “This afternoon in the cafeteria, what was that all about?” He knew he had made a scene and now he would pay for it.

“Ah nothing” Eli spoke to her, slamming his books into his locker, he was up to date on all his homework, there was no need to carry them all home. He reached for his IPod, when someone else’s hand grabbed it, Josie. “What do you want?” Eli asked clearly annoyed. Josie just rolled her eyes and Eli took note that he would slam her hand in that locker if she didn’t move.

Josie pulled her hand away, the IPod in it. “Look Eli, I’m not handing you your IPod until you tell me what this afternoon was about” Eli groaned internally. Why me? He thought to himself before slamming his locker shut and sighing in defeat. “I will drive you to Mc. Donald’s with me and Whitney, We’ll talk on the way” She smiled. Eli nodded and followed Josie down the hall.

Not even two minutes later Eli spotted Terra leaving with Tyler. He scoffed and Josie took note tapping him on the shoulder. “I’m praying for you, Terra” Eli noticed the sadness in Josie’s eyes and he squinted trying to figure out why, He figured if she were going to grill him he would do the same for her and gain answers. He only hoped so, anyway.

Once at Mc. Donald’s Eli sat across from Whitney and Josie. “So why were you so hostile?” Whitney asked now joining in on the grilling, she was just as curious as her sister. Eli rolled his eyes, “If I answer your questions-“He looked at Josie intently. “Then you have to answer mine. Completely” He watched as Josie swallowed hard. “I don’t know if I can” she admitted turning to Whitney. “It’s a secret” Eli rolled his eyes. “Fine.” He sat in silence for about five minutes.

“Okay! Okay!” Josie cried. “I’ll tell you, now why were you so hostile?” She asked. Eli smirked widely as he realized his plan worked and she caved. He looked at Whitney then back at Josie. “Well, It started when I told you about the incident I witnessed in the hall between her and Tyler” Eli rolled his eyes at the guys name, He already couldn’t stand him.

“Right, you told me about that, but that still doesn’t answer my question” Josie complained while Whitney stole one of her french fries. “Hey” Josie whined, making a face at Whitney who simply just replied. “You snooze, you lose” and smirked. Eli chuckled and continued his story.

“Well, She came to me two days after that, I was being nice and she was a bitch saying that she wanted to pretend like she never met me, and wanted to go on like I didn’t exist” Eli scoffed in annoyance. “Whatever, I am nice and I get treated like shit. Nothing new there” Eli looked down at his untouched soda. “Oh” Was all Josie could muster; Eli looked back up at her like she was crazy.

“What?” She asked defensively. “That’s all you can say?” He replied, shocked by her statement. Josie shrugged. “You must know more than I do, so let me tell you that I witnessed something” Eli pondered how to tell Josie about Terra getting punched in the stomach. Josie looked at Eli and listened intently on his next words. “I saw that creep punch her in the gut, I called him a wife beater. He tried to act tough, but Terra pulled him away” Eli narrowed his eyes replaying the events in his mind.

“Oh… You saw that?” Josie replied, Eli looked up and realized by her expression that she knew more about it than he did. Whitney cringed in her seat. “Josie, he hits her?” she asked her sister nervously. Eli took note that Whitney must not have known and was as clueless as him.

“Oh god, I’m not supposed to say anything but it’s been going on for five months” Josie started to tear up and Eli looked at her in guilt. If Eli had stood up to Tyler in the hall the other day, could he have helped Terra? Eli felt responsible for Terra getting punched now.

“Oh, Eli the reason she skipped school was because Tyler beat her so bad that she couldn’t walk. I was sworn to secrecy but I’m so scared were sitting here, while she’s at home getting beaten” Josie cried and the water works started. Eli felt horrible and watched as Whitney held her sister in a comforting hug.

What could Eli do to stop this? How can I help? And what is happening to Terra? As he thought about all these things, Josie looked back at him, wiping her tears. “Eli, she had to stop talking to you so she didn’t get beaten” Eli looked away and his fists clenched so bad his knuckles were white.

He slipped from the boot and stood. Josie grabbed his arm. “Where are you going?” She asked nervously. He shook her arm off and replied some very heartless words. “Home, I’m not going to sit here and listen about how some girl is getting beat and won’t do anything to help herself”

Eli walked out of the restaurant slamming the doors.

What a stupid girl, with stupid beautiful raven black hair, and even more stupid intense blue eyes.

Then Eli did what he did best. Fought.

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