Exordium Of The Deviant

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Chapter 1

Cosette's P. O. V.

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Hi! I'm Cosette Evan Ashford, my father is a powerful businessman that has a single branch in half of the world's countries..

I was his only daughter, and the heiress of everything he has, the reason why, dad has high expectation towards me, I was an out of wedlock child, they said grand-pére never liked mom from the start, so she and dad kept their relationship as a secret, until I arrived. I never really met mom, since she died after I was labored, but dad loved me so much, that I never felt lonely, even though I lack a mothers presence. Grand-pére is also fond of me, I'm his favorite grandchild out of three, he treats me like a princess and he also spoils me like dad.

Since I was announced in public, I got used to people flock at me just to please my dad and get something in return. However, what saddens me most was when the parents conference day comes, seeing my classmates mom or dad comes to school to watch how their child performs in school, on the other hand, only Esmeralda comes to be a proxy for dad.

Esmeralda is the nanny that raised dad, she's Spanish, and also was the one helping dad to escape to meet mom, since grand-pére never allowed dad to see mom. Now, she was the one raising me, and she often tells me stories about mom and dad. She was the person most close to a mother to me. She really loves me, and of course, I love her as well.

Presently, I'm turning fourteen next month. Today, is the opening of the new school year. I'm now a freshman in Stradford High, the number one elite school here in England. All of the students here are filthy rich, since the tuition fees here are definitely not affordable for an average salary man. A normal high school freshman, should be fifteen, but I was accelerated, so here I am.

I just got here, but it's already obvious that I'm already popular. My frustration only grows bigger when I feel they're staring at me, they probably think I'm pretty lucky to be born as Christopher Reinolds Ashford's daughter, but their wrong. Well I am lucky to have a dad like dad, but maybe they think it's really nice to be rich, but their really wrong, if I have a choice, I would rather sleep at the streets if that means I can have a true friend even just one. Yet, everything really just have to be balanced.

I snapped out if my thoughts when the speaker called my name, so that I could start my speech, since I got the top score in the entrance exam.

I stood up at my seat and climbed up the few steps of stairs up the stage, I walked to the platform and arranged the microphone, leveling with my lips.. I could hear their whisperings like, "whoa!! she's really young.", "isn't she the only daughter of Christopher Reinolds that owner of the Ashford Group of Companies? she's so young, and cu~te!!" I cleared my throat to catch their attention. When their attention was all focused, I began. Then automatically sat where I was seated before.

The opening ceremony finally ended in about two and half hours. Then everyone went to their own classes.

For it's the first day, every one is allowed to seat whichever seat they pleases. I decided to seat at the third row, right beside the window, since it's the only likely great, available spot left in this room.

I quietly sat on my seat, carelessly staring outside the window while waiting for our homeroom teacher to come. Students are really annoying whenever they squeal at each other, well it's not that I'm jealous because they have friends, while I have none. Well maybe a bit, *sigh* this is so frustrating... I just hope this ends swiftly.

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hows that?? a bit lame right, but this my first loooong story, so bear with me... please feedback so I'll get pointers.. Arigatou!!! <( ̄︶ ̄)> []~( ̄▽ ̄)~* ( ̄﹏ ̄) ( ̄ˇ ̄)

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