Chapter Twenty Five

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" For all the things my
hand has held -
The best by far is
you. "

Chapter Twenty Five
Please Don't Go

After that night I disappeared, I found Kingsley and I hid from everyone.

I kind of disconnected from the world after Ace was arrested. He was serving 15-20 years and I broke out crying when I heard the news.

I found an old apartment and became an artist. Could you imagine? When I say artist I mean con artist.

I stole and I was good at at it.

I wasn't proud but it was hard staying under the radar. I knew if I had a regular job the Gang would come and find me.

I didn't hate them, I just couldn't be around them right now. Not - not when Ace wasn't here.

Without him we all seem incomplete. Seth has taken Asha-Royalty under his wing and is going to raise her. Dash and the triplets are going crazy without  Ace and Titus isn't his normal self anymore.

It was all so depressing and I didn't want to be around that. I wanted to try to survive, I was all by myself now with a child. I could barely take care of myself and now I'm surviving for two.

I was kind of numbing my way through life because I'm honestly still messed up an it's been six months.

There's one person I talk to out of everyone, someone I know I could absolutely trust with my life. He helped me get supply's for Kingsley, who now is calling me mama. It broke my heart because he reminded me so much of Jasper and I still couldn't get over the fact that he was actually gone.

I was reading the paper one day and seen his obituary and almost died. Jasper Fallen Winnifred dead at age of nineteen. It than started talking about him being an angel and I stopped reading, my brother was extremely messed up.

He came from a broken family, the sudden death of his mother and his father falling into depression. It messed him up and he ran.

I understood.

I shake my head and fill up my bag before running out of the apartment. Kingsley was with the guy I've been talking to.

I hold my helmet and run over to my beauty that was parked in the front lot. I hop on my motorcycle and kick away the kick stand. I got this beauty two months ago and I'm in love with her.

I got an old little car for whenever I have to drive with Kingsley.

I speed through the traffic, some cars honking their horns from me cutting them off. I had to be there at a certain time so I knew I could get away with it.

Stopping around the corner I park her in an allay way and jump off. I grab the keys and my bag and head towards the station. Not many guards out since it was almost lunch, they all left to go get their donuts and coffee.

I nod at the guards outside and walk in through the front doors, ignoring the eyes of the officers. I walk across the room and take a seat across from the desk.

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