Chapter Twenty Three

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" Who needs cocaine when human
emotions can fuck you up just
the same. "

Chapter Twenty Three
Blue Lilacs, Pink Skies

I stare at them while they all run around like they were chickens with their heads cut off, they were all shouting at each other while I sat on the couch watching in amusement.

Lemony and Athena both look at me with curious looks, "Does this happen often?" Lemony asks and I smile at her, turning my body so I was facing the both of them.

"Only when they think we're in immediate danger," I retort and shake my head.

They both fell silent and I could tell they wanted to push on with questions, sighing I look at them, "Ask ahead, I don't care," I state and Athena laughs.

"Ace...He kidnapped you?" Athena asks and Lemony looks at her than to me, awaiting an answer.

I should have known this would be the question of all things, "He did, a few months ago. He found me out in the middle of the night crying behind a coffee shop because my alcoholic father had kicked me out after beating me up," I state and they both suck in a breath.

"My mother left when I was younger and my older brother ran away four years ago, so I had no other family. So Ace kept me," I add on.

They both wear small smiles and I chew my lip, "I think he might have grown attached to me," I added on, laughing lightly.

But I stop when an arm wraps around my shoulder and pulls me back, he leans his head against mine.

"Hello Ace," I mutter, feeling my cheeks heat in embarrassment. He was defiantly listening in on our conversation. He loves listening about himself.

He kisses the side of my head, "Hey, us guys are gonna go out. There's a threat and we got to take them out before anything happens," He says and I shake my head and pull away.

Turning around I look up at him, "Let me go with you guys. I can help," I mumble and his expression instantly hardened.

He shook his head, "No, it's too dangerous and I'm not letting any harm come to you Spade. Even Titus is making Melia go with August so she doesn't sneak with us." He states and I stand up.

I look at Lemony and Athena who sat there smiling at us and pointed at them, indicating I'd only be a minute.

They nod and I grab Aces hand tightly in my own and drag him out of room, "You can't tell me what to do Ace! I'm not an object! I want to go and help you guys," I snap and pull away from him while crossing my arms over my chest.

He scowls at me and narrows his eyes, "The answer is no and it'll remain no." He retorted and I threw my hands up in the air.

"You stupid head! You can't just-"

He cut me off. The idiot cut me off.

By smashing his lips against mine and he knew it was my weakness. My hands that were once in the air wrap around his shoulders and I kiss him back.

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