Chapter Three

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"No one really knows why they are alive
until they know what they'd die for." - Martin Luther King Jr

Chapter Three

I kept my mouth shut as Jethro drove the black car down the road, Jeriah was once again in the passenger seat while I was seated in the back, instead of Ace being the one in the back with me it was Melia who played on her phone while Jeriah kept flicking through music stations.

My stomach grumbled again and I sigh out, "Ro," I hiss and the car fell silent as Jethro rose an eyebrow, quickly glancing back at me, "Can you stop at McDicks? I'm hungry," I add on and he kept quiet, nodding his head and swerving into the next lane, cutting a car off which honked loudly.

Jeriah rolled down his window and threw out little ball that hit the mans wind shield, Melia laughed and looked over at me while Jethro went through the drive thru, "What do you want?" He snapped and I smiled softly at him.

"Double big mac, a junior chicken, large fry and a chocolate shake please," I state and he looks back at me with wide eyes, not saying anything as I pulled out a twenty dollar bill. He orders off and grabs some food for him, his brother and Melia.

After he was finished ordering he pulls up to the first window and I slap his shoulder lightly, waving the bill in front of his face but he seemed unfazed as he pulled out his own wallet. The guy grabbed Jethro's money and I grumble.

"You idiot, I can pay for my own." I snap back, throwing my twenty dollar bill at him which he picks up calmly and throws back at me. Jeriah sat there laughing at me when the car jerked forward as he drove up to the second window.

The car soon smells like McDonalds and my mouth waters, they pass back my bag of food and my milkshake which I take happily, looking out my window I furrow my eyebrows when I realize Ace had his car parked across from us, Seth sat in the front looking bored while Titus was head banging in the back.

I roll my eyes at them and bite into my big mac, letting out a small moan when the goodness touched my tongue. Jethro starts driving again and Ace starts his car, pulling up behind up. Sitting up in my seat I look out the back window and my eyes met with Ace's, he was scowling so I stuck my tongue out at him and started slurping my milkshake.

I was growing bored and I felt like I was about to pass out when the car came to a stop, I look around and notice we were in the middle of no where. Frowning I unbuckle my seat belt and go to open my door when it wouldn't budge, "Its on child lock." His deep voice rumbled and I look up at Ace.

Frowning I go to roll down my window more so I could stick my arm out and open the door myself when I realize Jethro shut the car off, "Promise you wont run?" Ace asked softly and I nodded my head, chewing on my bottom lip.

He looked at me before pulling open the door, I hop out and look around us, we were surrounded by trees, the twins stood next to Melia while Seth and Titus stood behind Ace, "If you guys brought me here to murder me can you at least make it quick?" I ask and Titus started laughing while Melia smiled softly.

I look around and smile to myself when I notice I can make a run for it, which is exactly what I do. I hear them all shout at me but I ignore them and push myself faster but arms wrapped around my shoulders and I was held to a hard chest.

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