Chapter Twenty One

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"Everything is changing,
and I dont know where
I fit."

Chapter Twenty One

I'm not sure how we found ourselves in this situation, it was a wonderful evening. He had taken me out to dinner and than we went for a midnight walk when he got an urgent call.

I pulled my hair up into a pony tail and grabbed one of his sweaters from the car, wrapping it around myself as the cold wind nipped at my bare legs, maybe I shouldn't have worn a dress.

Chewing on my bottom lip I look around the empty lot and back to Ace before closing the door shut, causing him to turn around fast, he scowled at me, "What did I tell you, you aren't coming in love," He snapped before looking at me softly, "Its too dangerous," He added, his voice just above a whisper.

I roll my eyes and lean into him, standing up on my tippy toes I place a quick kiss on his lips and pull back, smiling shyly at him, he grumbled and brought a hand through his brown curls, "Woman, you cannot tease me like that anymore or I might make you mine," He growled and I smirked up at him.

Running a finger down his chest slowly I pull back and giggle, he grunts at me and starts walking towards the empty warehouse where he had to supposedly meet someone.

He pushes open the doors, lights were on above us and I spin around, soaking everything in, "What have you been up to now a days, Mr. Jefferson." A voice echoed through the building and my heart stopped in my chest.

A man began walking out of the shadows towards Ace and I, "I've been up to business, what's it to you?" Ace had snapped at the guy while I hid behind his back. Wanting to peak out and see who the man was but I knew that was a big no no.

My nose twitches and I cough loudly, freezing in my spot behind Ace, "What was that?" The man snapped and I clutched onto Ace.

Ace sighed loudly, turning around and wrapping an arm around me. Pulling me into his side, "This would be what I've been busy with, this is Spade, my girl." He retorted, his voice holding no emotion whats so ever, "I kidnapped her." He added.

I still felt a shiver run through my spine and my toes curl from just hearing him call me his girl.

Finally looking up to see who Ace was talking to made my heart stop beating in my chest and my eyes widen, he stared at me while I clung to Ace as if my life depended on it.

He looked at Ace and pulled out a gun, pointing it directly at Ace who seemed completely unfazed that there was indeed a gun being pointed at him, "You kidnapped my fucking sister?!" The man yelled and looked back over at me.

I was shaking, what irked me the most was how he still considered himself my brother after he abandoned me. I wrap an arm around Ace's waist and pull the gun from his waist band.

Flicking the safety I point the gun at Jasper, next to me Ace sucked in a breath, "A suggest you stop pointing the gun at him," I shouted and Jasper's eyes flickered from me back to Ace.

"You might want to put that away Saw, you might hurt yourself." Jasper says, holding his gun steadily in his hand, not looking at me but glaring at Ace.

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