Chapter Ten

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"I'll never forget where
I came from,
but staying isn't
the plan."
- Unknown

Chapter Ten
Change Of Scenery

Melia did my make up and left my hair with its natural curls and straightened her blonde hair quickly, she had a smoky eye and red lips while she did my make up light. But when it came to the lip stick she gave me an evil smirk and pulled out one of her favorites.

You see, Melia was a freak when it came to lipstick. She could literally drop $200 in a day from just buying lipstick. So when she looked me over she pulled out one of her recent buys and looked at me.

"This is my midnight blue matte Mac lipstick, it is my baby but it'll look hot on you so don't worry," She says and I nod my head, pretending to understand what the heck she just said.

After she was finished with my make up I turned around and looked in the mirror, I looked like a complete different person. With the light make up and dark lips. And the dress all the way down to my shoes, and the chain that hung around my neck.

I smile and hug her tightly, a honk made us jump apart and start giggling. Shutting off all the lights I take the house key Ace gave me and lock up the front door, turning around with Melia by my side my breath catches in my throat.

All the guys stood there, dressed nicely while I couldn't take my eyes off only one. He was dressed in a dark pair of jeans, a white long sleeved button up shirt and his hair was messy but looked good. Like really good.

And the black leather jacket on top just made him look yummy.

"Fucking Christ you both look hot," Jeriah says and gets a slap on the back of the head by Seth and Titus. Titus couldn't look away from Melia, causing her to blush deeply and look down.

Fiddling with my hands I stop breathing when Ace looks up from his phone, his eyes traveling over my body slowly, taking in every inch of me. And when our eyes meet they seem to have darkened, he shrugs off his jacket and walks over, pulling it around my shoulders.

"Titus, you take Melia in the Audi R8, twins yous guys take the Dodge Viper, and Seth you get to take the Lamborghini," Ace says, not once looking away from me. Did he just say Audi? And Lambo? Was this guy for real?

The guys go wild and head off towards the garage, Titus walks down the drive way with Melia by his side and I watch as he opens the door to the beautiful Audi for her.

"What are you driving?" I ask and Ace shot me a smirk, he places a hand on the small of my back and leads me to the garage attached to his house. He presses the button and I watch as it opens, revealing the beautiful beast.

He looks at me and his smirk widens, "This is my baby," He states and I shake my head, walking up next to it I bring my hand over the side.

"You have an Alfa Romeo 4C?!" I exclaim and his head shot over so quickly it was hard not to laugh, "237- horse power turbo four," I trail off, it was absolutely gorgeous. His was tinted grey, "Weighing under 2500 pounds, making it all the more faster." I add on quietly.

Kneeling down I look at the rims and almost faint, "Ugh, if we weren't going out I'd love to pop the hood on this beauty," I state, standing back up and fixing my dress. I push my curls out of my face and look over at Ace.

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