Chapter Four

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"There's something disturbing about
recalling a warm memory and feeling
utterly cold." - Gone Girl

Chapter Four
Fix You

I remember when I was younger Jasper took me to the beach, well Dad drove us there but than left us there for a few hours. Jasper knew I loved going to the beach, I loved running into the ocean and lying in the sand. But my favorite part about the beach was collecting sea shells, it always satisfied me coming home with buckets of sea shells.

He use to just sit on a beach towel and watch me run around, I was always in the water it was like my safe haven from the problems of my life. He always laughed at me and whenever we had lunch and I dried off while eating he would take it upon himself and throw me over his shoulder, than he'd throw me in the cold ocean.

Than he'd run away laughing while I screamed at him, trying not to drown. He'd end up jumping in and grabbing me since the waves were too big for me to surface back up. I missed him a lot, I was so angry at him for running away when he turned sixteen. The part that upset me the most was he didn't take me with him.

No, instead he left me with our alcoholic father who tended to towards his anger at whoever was there.

Fingers snapped in front of my face and I shake my head, looking around my eyes land on Seth who was kneeling in front of me, I was currently sitting on a couch that was in one of their safe houses just near the coast.

Ace wasn't lying when he said it was a long drive, he drove all night and we got here about an hour ago. I decided to sit down and rest my eyes since the whole drive I lied there and watched as Ace drove, he looked so peaceful while driving, that and I'm sure he didn't know I was still awake.

"Ace wants to have a word with you." He stated, a scowl still pulling on his face while he stared at me closely. I roll my eyes and groan out, rolling off the chair into a ball on the floor while shaking my head.

I could feel Seth stare at me while I cross my arms over my chest in protest, "You can tell him he can suck it, I don't want to see him!" I exclaim softly and shake my head.

Seth grunts and kneels down, wrapping his arms roughly around me and dragging me up off the floor, "You're crazy." He muttered and I started laughing hard, making him possibly believe that I was indeed crazy.

"Yeah, but I feel bad for the people who never go crazy," I retort, squealing loudly when he almost dropped me.

He shakes his head and mumbles under his breath, walking through the house towards a back room, he kicks open the door with his foot and walks in. He lets go and lets me fall into a ball on the floor, I groan out in pain and latch myself around his leg when he tries to walk away.

"The fuck?!" He snapped, trying to shake me off, but my grip on him was steel as I cackled evilly. I let go after a few minutes and watch him leave the room, slamming the door shut behind him.

Sighing out I sit up and look over to see Ace casually sitting at a desk loading a gun, I scream out and crawl backwards towards the door, he sends me a look of confusion before looking down in his hand, he let out a small chuckle and sets the gun on the table.

I hit my head against the door, "Why am I still here? Whats the point? You will forget about me one day, but its okay because I'm use to it. Why cant I just go home?" I ramble and he stares at me, his eyebrows creased together as if he were trying to figure out what I was thinking but that was one big no no.

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