Chapter Fifteen

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"As you get older, you really start to
understand more about why people
drink the night away, smoke their lungs
black, or throw themselves off
buildings." -Unknown

Chapter Fifteen
Heart Out

"- and I was so mad that I threw a chair at the teacher," I ramble and on the other end of the phone I hear him chuckle, causing me to smile faintly.

I hold Ace's phone to my ear as he replies, "You sound wild Bluebell, and here I thought you were this sweet innocent little flower," August says and I hear small giggles in the background, causing me to giggle.

"Uh Spade-"

"We're kind of busy-"

"Trying to torture this guy," The twins and Seth finish, looking at me.

Looking over I notice Ace repeatedly punching in the guys face, he was the one being paid off by the FBI for the Vipers secrets.

"Hang up the fucking phone Spade," Ace snapped, not even casting me a glance as he sends hard punches to the mans face.

Sighing I bring a hand through my hair, "I'll call you later Auggie," I say and Melia laughed at me while shaking her head.

"Goodbye Bluebell," He said before hanging up, I slide the phone in my pocket and look back over at Ace who was hovering above the guy, ready to send more punches if the man didn't talk.

Blood was dripping from his broken nose and his face was badly bruised, I shudder and take a step back when it triggers something inside of me. Something unpleasant.

I watched as the man grinned wickedly up at Ace, blood covering his teeth, "The files are on their way now, have fun Mr. Jefferson," The man sputtered and without hesitation Ace pulled the gun from his waist band and shot the man in the head.

A scream escaped me and I fell back into a wall while the others yelled at Ace, shouting about how they needed the man to stop the files from being sent. I go to bring a hand through my hair when I stop and stare at my shaking hand.

Everyone was moving around me so fast but when I looked up it looked like it was playing out so slowly, like time was partially frozen and trying desperately to move forward.

"Fuck!" Ace shouted, kicking a chair over. My eyes roamed around the room, trying to look anywhere but the dead beaten up man.

Melia moved next to me and rested her hand on my arm, but the sudden contact caused me to flinch back, my eyes wide and my body trembling. She looked at me with a look of surprise written across her face.

"I can stop the files from being sent," I mumble but the room fell silent and everyone was looking at me, making everything worse. I just wanted to curl up into a ball and never wake up.

All the feelings and memories flooding my mind, trying to drown me once again.

Ace turned around fast, his gun still held tightly in his grasp, "Well don't just fucking stand there," He snapped and I walked over towards the computer, taking a seat in the vacant chair in front of the desk.

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