Ace Of Spades

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Ace Of Spades (AOS) Is a work of fiction. All characters, incidents and places all came from my imagination. So judge me I swear to fuck.

This Book Contains:

✴ Swearing ✔
✴ Drug Use (And talking about drugs) ✔
✴ Abuse (Not extreme) ✔
✴ Violence (Pobs a lot) ✔

All Rights Reserved.

Dedicated to you,
card games really
do make everything
better 💞

"Sure, he's Satan, Prince of darkness, King of Hell, Lord of lies,
the deceiver, bringer of evil and temptation, but he's not afraid
to say what people are thinking." - Unknown
Bad Beginnings

"Why are you so mean, that poor bird didn't do anything to you!" I screamed, throwing my hands in the air like I did not care. Lol I really did care, he just threw a rock at an innocent bird that was just chilling in the bird fountain.

He scowled at me, "Can you shut the fuck up? You're giving me a headache." He snapped and I grinned triumphantly, fist pumping the air. It was one of the easiest things in the world, making him so angry.

"Spade I swear I'll-"

I started laughing loudly, "You'll what? I'm not scared of you Ace."

My laugh was cut off when he stuck his leg out in front of me, tripping me. I go face first into the neatly cut grass. Whining out I lie there on my back, staring up at the blue sky.

Why lord? Why did you do this to me?

Authors Note

First things first! Welcome! I come in peace (most of the time)

The names I love, Spade has always been a favorite
of mine as well as Ace and they sounded well
together and than I realized they are in fact a card
from a deck of cards. So than I kinda just flowed
with it. So no judgement or mean comments, if you
think the names are stupid that's cool because I
don't give a flying fuck.

Another thing! I don't usually listen to country
but i'm absolutly in love with the song Peter Pan by Kelsea Ballerini.
Give it a listen!

Anyways, I love you all and thank you!

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- James

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