Chapter Twenty Four

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" Maybe - just maybe, the
wolf is in love with the moon,
and each month it cries for a love it
will never touch. "

Chapter Twenty Four
I Think I'm In Love

I threw my fist into the wall, "Where is she?!" I screamed, this isn't what I expected when getting back home. I didn't expect everything to be thrown around and bullet holes in the walls.

Titus walks downstairs with Athena and Lemony behind him, both were crying and my heart sunk in my chest.

Jeriah and Jethro ran in and went straight to them while I waited for an explanation on what happened and where Spade was.

"H-Her brother came," Athena whispered.

Lemony looked at me, "She told us to run upstairs, she was shot twice before they took her," She says, wiping at her eyes.

My stomach churned and I walked around the house, opening a closet door and pulling out a few guns, "We're coming with you," The twins both say in sync.

I shake my head and putting the guns in a bag, "No, it's just me. I don't want any deaths and you have to stay here in case they come back." I mutter.

Jasper wanted me and that's what he'll get.

August walked through the door with a sleeping Melia in his arms, his eyes traveled around the room before landing on me with my bag of guns, "What happened?" He asked.

Titus walked over to him and grabbed Melia out of his arms, walking upstairs with her.

I sigh, "They took Spade, I'm going to retrieve her and put an end to this capture the Spade game." I state and August looks at me.

"You aren't going by yourself," He states and I snorted while shaking my head.

What didn't they understand? I wasn't going to put their lives at risk, not for me.

"I'm going by myself and that's the end of it, I have to get her back." I state. Throwing the bag over my shoulder.

August hugs me before I leave, I hop in my car and speed out of the driveway. I knew he'd be at the warehouse, it's where he did most of his business and it was an easy route for him to get to if the cops were ever trailing after him.

My mind was occupied by just the thought of her, it was becoming difficult for me. I knew I shouldn't have kidnapped her, ever since that day I took her she's only been hurt, mentally and psychically and it was because of me.

That's the last thing I ever wanted, I never wanted her to be hurt and at my cost.

This all started six months ago, literally two months before I kidnapped Spade. I was doing a deal and this woman was caught in the cross fire, she was shot twice and died instantly.

Later I found out she was actually dating Jasper and they both had a son together, I didn't set it up. She came out of nowhere screaming and someone shot her.

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