"This so cool!"

"This is lame,"

"Well, this is way better than last year homecoming,"

"I agree," a voice comes from behind us, starling me as I jumped.

The familiar strong cologne and that cheesy smile, popping out those dimples on that smooth cheek that the girls in the whole school died for, his colored eyes were noticeable through silver and black mask. He laughs at my reaction," Sorry, didn't mean to interrupt ladies. Came to see my tiny Cassie."

"Hey, Ash," I grumbled, crossing my arms," You're here too?"

"How could I not? The Famous Cassidy finally came out of her hibernation and I had to see it myself," He answers, smirking.

"Very funny," I reply, rolling my eyes. 

Angelina was being too quiet, she eyes the crowd, trying to avoid eye contact with me but mainly Ashton. Interesting... Before I could say something to embarrass both of them, Ashton was pushed to the side and I was practically tackled by a huge body. 

"I told ya she would come!" 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever mate," 

"Oh my God-"

Never have I ever thought to see these boys whom I hated before, now befriends with wear suits or dressed up nicely. Luke wore a black dress suit with the collar unbuttoned, showing off his long neck and noticeable collarbones, his blue eyes were bright even with the black mask, covering the right side of his face but not his left eye. Michael was covered in black, black loose pants and an unbuttoned up suit but wore a loose white dress shirt and doesn't forget to wear his bracelets. His mask was a matte material, it looks smooth and very shiny. And Ashton, he wore a black dress shirt underneath a white suit with black pants his mask is half silver white and the other as half black. 

All in all, they looked good, very good.

"Hey," Luke said," You nice."

"Yeah, you don't look bad yourself," I respond to him, smiling.

Luke rolls his eyes before smiling away, slipping his hands in his pockets. 

"Damn, Angelina," Michael says, whistling lowly at her, looking at her appearance," You look firee."

Angelina laughs, backing away as Michael walks closer to her as he reaches out for her as she tries to escape but Ashton steps in between them, pushing Michael slightly away from Angelina. "Okay, okay, calm down, kitty. It's illegal now."

"Age doesn't matter," Michael smirks.

Ashton gives Michael a disapproving look, Michael puts his hands up in the air in defense. Luke and I laugh at them, "One-sided love its finest."

"Who's the one-sided love?"


"With Michael- I knew it!"

"No, you dummy, with Angelina."

"No, I knew."

Luke laughs uncontrollably, his laughter was loud enough to cause everyone to look at the lanky tallboy besides me. Everyone started to lean one against another, whispering to each other's ears, eyeing towards Luke and me.

"Great, they probably figured me out," I muttered to Luke, crossing my arms over my stomach as I feel anxiety slowly to process.

"You're wrong," Luke tells me, pursing his lips," You're all everyone is talking about since you walked through the doors."

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