ı 05 ı The Hunter

Start from the beginning

After I'm a good distance away from Stefan I stop and listen, letting my ears be my eyes. I shove memories of the dark tomb away as the dark cave screams at me, pushing to reveal the memories of my past that I've tried so hard to forget. I take a deep breath before sprinting off in the direction of the hunter's footsteps, not stopping until I reach a clearing in the cave where the hunter stands, cornered.

"Whatcha gonna do now?" I tease, slowly approaching him.

The hunter looks frantically around, searching desperately for a way out only to turn back to me as realization hits him. "Fight," he snarls before throwing a wooden stake at me.

I catch it with ease before throwing it back at him, stabbing it in his stomach. He crumples to the ground in pain as I speed towars him, baring my fangs and feeding from his neck. I stand back and pull out the stake, raising it above his shoulder. "This is for shooting me," I growl before stabbing him in the shoulder.

He cries in pain and just when I'm about to snap his neck he says his final words. "See you in your dreams, Blair Salvatore," he smirks.

I glare at him right before snapping his neck. As he drops to the ground I see Damon standing in front of me, no doubt having seen the whole scenario unfold.

"Those were pathetic last words," Damon says jokingly, but I know he's only trying to make things easier for me. He knows how I hate killing, but this time if felt right. This time I killed someone Klaus wanted alive, and the fact I've angered him gives me a great rush of sick satisfaction.

∆  ∆  ∆

With the Grill trashed and a dead body in the caves we decide to head home. I can tell Stefan is mad at me, but that goes both ways seeing as I'm already pissed at him for keeping secrets from me especially if it's about Klaus. We spent months together being Klaus's little slaves and now that he's decided to team up with him again while knowing how much Klaus has destroyed our lives is angering to say the least. 

So to aggravate Klaus more I decide to call him while in the passenger seat of James's truck. It rings exactly two times before Klaus picks up.

"Hello love. Wasn't expecting a call from you anytime soon to be honest, but never the less it's always a pleasure," he greets.

"Not this time it's not. You know that hunter, the one you specifically wanted alive for whatever reason?" I ask, smiling to myself.

"Yes," Klaus growls lowly.

"Yeah, well today he had the unfortunate pleasure of finding out what happens when someone shoots Blair Salvatore," I sneer.

"Blair," he growls. "What did you do?"

"I killed him," I say proudly, enjoying the groans of anger on the other side of the line.

"You did what? Blair, you don't understand what you just did. There's more to killing a hunter- one of the five," Klaus explains, but I'm confused, too caught up in the pride.

"What the hell are you talking about, Klaus?" I snap, Joel and James's attention now on me.

"When you kill a hunter, you unleash the hunter's curse," Klaus explains worriedly. "Blair, I need you to come over right now," he instructs, but I'm too focused on a person standing in the middle of the road in front of us to answer as I hang up the phone.

As I look ahead I see the hunter who I killed an hour ago, standing in the middle of the road. "James look out!" I yell, turning to James who only looks at me with concern.

"Blair! Calm down! What are you talking about!" James panics as he brakes, all while trying to keep his eyes on the road.

Confused, I turn back to the road only to find the hunter is no longer there, like he wasn't even there in the first place. "I-he-. He was right there," I explain, feeling incredibly embarrassed especially since this is the first time James has driven since the accident. I fear I've made things worse.

"Blair? Are you okay?" James asks me.

"Yo, what did Klaus say about a hunter's curse?" Joel speaks up.

I don't answer as my attention is suddenly turned to the front of the parked truck, the hunter standing in front of it staring at me. "He's right there," I say, pointing to him.

James and Joel exchange worried glances before putting the truck back in drive. "Mate, we should probably get her over to the Mikaelsons," Joel says.

James doesn't hesitate before speeding down the road, all the while I watch through the side mirror as the hunter disappears from my view.


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[completed & edited: 08/30/2021]


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