Don and Clarissa Pt.2

Start from the beginning

She held Misaki close to her chest as she lightly ran out the room to find her son. She didn't have to search far when she saw him fell to the ground and scooting back quickly with the palms of his hands.


Hideo snapped his head into the direction he heard his mother's voice. Relief washed across his tear-stained face. He got up onto his feet quickly approaching his mother.

"Kaa-San! Th-They killed him!" Hideo stuttered. He was obviously in shock and shaking violently.

"What?" Clarissa breathed, hoping she heard wrong. "Hidan! Hidan and his parents I saw them killed father! Grandfather was even there!" Hideo sobbed.

'You're actually going this far grandfather?..' Clarissa thought as she glared into space. She then looks at her son with serious sharp eyes despite the fact she wanted to cry. "Listen to me, I'm going to hide you and Misaki in the secret room.. Lets not put daddy's effort to waste." Clarissa said seriously. Hideo nods, wiping away the fresh stream of tears with his sleeve.

Clarissa leaded the way as fast as she could, turning corners and quickly jogging up the stairs. She ran a straight hall before she entered the door before her. She shut the door behind Hideo locking it. Hidan and the others would be coming here soon.

The room they were in was Don's experimental room of herbs, and tests for Clarissa's clan's techniques. She ordered Hideo to open a door to a crate that sat floor leveled. Inside was a elevator that could take her children safely to the lowest floor levels of their estate and a tunnel that led them to Don's sister's place.

Once Hideo was in she handed him Misaki. "Take the elevator down to the lowest level of the house then take the tunnel straight to your aunt's house" Clarissa explained closing the door to the crate.

"But what about you? Aren't you coming?!" Hideo exclaimed.

There was loud kicks and blows thrown towards the door. This caused Misaki to wake up crying.

"Gomene.. There's no time. Whatever you don't just don't look back you hear?"

"Promise me you'll come back."

"Open this door Clarissa!"

"Promise me kaa-chan!" Hideo shouted.

"I promise! Now get out of here with your sister!" Clarissa shouted and as if on cue the door was blown to pieces. Clarissa used her forearms to shield her face from the debris that came her way.

A few feet away from her stood her former friends with their son. She glared immensely at them.

"So Omide really did send you here to harm my family. I can't believe you all were stupid enough to listen to whatever that old man had to say! Do you really think you'll be getting your share out of this?!" Clarissa was enraged with anger and her anger was past blood boiling point.

Omide then revealed himself from behind Hidan's parent with a smug look.

"Don't worry my dear grandchild. This won't only benefit them, but Misaki also."

"How can you be so evil?!"

"I tire of seeing failure passed down through the generations of my clan.  I'm merely putting a stop to it Clarissa." Omide answered.

"You're sick." Clarissa spat towards Omide. He only gave her a casual "Hmph" walking towards the crate Hideo and Misaki were in.

Hideo never left and held onto Misaki tightly as he watched the whole situation go down. He peeked through the spaced cracks the crate had.

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