Laced - Chapter 39 (Rules, Fears, & Jealousy)

Start from the beginning



Abby's POV

"Can I have everybody's attention?" Niall calls into the microphone as he walks across the stage to the middle.


I whip around, careful enough to not spill the drink in my hand. So I'd picked up a drink...not that it mattered. Zayn wasn't likely to tell me off or anything tonight, he'd was to busy doing other things elsewhere.


"What time is it?" I hear him mumble, pulling his arm out to check his watch. "'s currently five PM. That means everyone has about one hour to kill and enjoy before we start off any of the fun stuff. If anyone needs anything, please don't hesitate to let me know. By six, all of the guests should have arrived, and we'll be free t-" He pauses suddenly, his eyes narrowing on someone who had just entered at the back of the ballroom.


He tries to play it off, pretending like he didn't just stop delivering his message. "And we'll be free to continue . . . with the competition."


He shuffles uncomfortably on the stage, and I turn around to see what had caused him to stop.


"I hope everyone has a good night." He finishes.


My eyes don't spot anything out of order - the guards are escorting the guests inside, and everyone seemed relatively calm. I turn back to the stage, where I see Niall quickly putting the microphone back onto its stand and then making his way off the stage. Soft music plays in the background, filling in any silences.


I feel slightly awkward with no one with me, so I quickly search for any of the girls I normally interacted with. I see Elle, standing all the way on the other side of the ballroom, and take a step in her direction. That's when I realize that she's not alone - she standing across from Louis, who was laughing at whatever conversation they were having.


I didn't want to interupt them, so I searched a bit more. It seemed like everyone I knew was with someone else, busy and talking. Amber, who would've been my first choice, had Niall's arm slung around her waist protectively, laughing as she talked with Eleanor. Danielle, who I hadn't spoken to very much, but still was very sweet, was engrossed in a conversation with none other than Liam.


I frowned. Perhaps I could find Kitty?


And that's when I see a head of platinum blonde hair, occupying herself with the refreshments at the long tables, and before I could even think about it twice, my feet carry me in her direction.


She turns around, and her eyes narrow when she sees me. She grimaces, but then forces a smile on her lips. "What, Abigail?"


I frown, shrugging. "I felt awkward standing alone."


She purses her lips, turning her back on me as she scoops a bit of salsa onto her chips. She doesn't say anything, and I know it's because although I'm not her favorite company, she didn't want to be standing by herself either.


When she picks up her plate, her free hand grabs the fabric of her strapless, flowy, teal dress and holds it so that she doesn't trip over it. Perrie hesitates a bit, but then speaks up. "Have you...have you seen Harry anywhere?" She asks.

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