"What's up?"

"I just told my best friend I couldn't love him, after his drunk self told me he loved me"

"Are you serious?"

I nodded. I was halfway done with my water, and I made a deal with myself that by the time I get done with this water I leave. The only problem was I didn't have a ride.

"What about you?" Neither of us made eye contact we kept our eyes locked on the game.

"It's too personal" Calum shook his head.

"What do you mean too personal, I tell you a whole bunch of personal shit!" This time I looked directly into his eyes.

"Me and Karla kind of..." His voice trailed off.



"So where is Karla now?" I asked him focusing back to the game. I never really understood how to play the game. But it seemed pretty fun, from my point of view at least. I watched some people leave their spot where they were watching the two, teams you could call them I guess, play.

"She's in the room, she said she need sometime to think" he shrugged.

"She's not a virgin is she?" I asked worriedly.

"No, I made sure" he laughed.

"So do you know what she's thinking about?"

Calum shrugged, "I should go check on her make sure everything's alright"

He gave me a charming smile before heading into the crowd of bodies. I felt someone grab my hand, I turned around to see Luke.

"Can we talk outside for a moment?" He asked me, and I nodded in reply. He lead me outside to the patio, and gestured me to sit down.

I got comfortable in my chair and so did he. He didn't look to happy, but he didn't look mad either. He looked emotionless almost.

Luke sighed, "Look Zoe,"

Oh God.

"It's not that I don't like, but I'm kinda going through some stuff and I sorta just got out of a really bad relationship" He paused, "Is it ok if we remaind friends for a while, I really do like you I just can't do this..."

I tilted my head back to look up at the sky, and took a deep breath.

"I'm really sorry" he said.

I shut my eyes, I could hear my heart beating. My stomach had dropped and I had a queasy feeling. I felt incredibly stupid.

"You're not mad are you?" He sounded a bit worried.

"I'm fine" I didn't look at him, I just kept my eyes shut.

I heard him get up and then a door shut, he was gone. I felt so embarrassed and stupid. So those dates, and those kisses were nothing to him. He lead me on, he had me believing he liked me and then he just went ahead and told me we could only stay friends.

"For a while" his words repeated in my head.

This literally couldn't be happening, I'm so embarrassed for everything and anything.

"Zoe are you ok?" Chloe's familiar voice broke the silence.

"I'm fine" I said again, but it almost sounded like a whisper.

"I just saw Luke leaving, did you guys get in a fight?"

"Did he tell you?" Her voice lowered.

"Tell me what?" My eyes shot opened, and my head turned to face her.

"Well when you were talking to Calum, Luke pulled me over and we began talking," She sat where Luke was previously sitting.

"The conversation quickly changed, and he told me he felt pressured to like you and go out with you"

"Pressured by who?" I spoke.

"Michael and a few other people I can't remember"

Why would he feel that way? Why couldn't he just say he didn't like me, instead of making some bullshit excuse. I felt like I was gonna throw up. I also felt angry, I wanted to scream and punch Luke.

"Are you ok?"

"Obviously not" I shut my eyes again, "it's not so much sadness, it's more anger and embarrassment"

"Is Michael still here?" I asked Chloe.

"Yeah, why?"

"Just wondering"

"Dont worry Zoe, he wasn't worth it anyway" Chloe sad sympathicaly, "why don't we go back home and just eat ice cream until we're numb"

We both laughed at the idea.

She was right he wasn't worth it. We weren't even dating for me to feel sad about it. But like I told Chloe, I was just angry and embarassed.

"Or, why don't we go inside and drink till we pass out?" I suggested, Chloe eyes were filled with happiness, you could easily tell. She seemed happy I wasnt so pissed off at her. And maybe I wasn't or maybe I was too angry with Luke to even bother being angry at her.

But, Shes my Best Friend (Ashton Irwin fan fiction)Where stories live. Discover now