Chapter 28

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Zoë climbed into the front seat, and quickly put her seatbelt on so we could quickly head to the next stops we had to make.

She was wearing a skirt, I didn't really notice what shirt she was wearing though. Her brown hair cascaded down her shoulders and a little bit under her breast.

"You look pretty" I smiled.

"No I don't I rushed into these because I could decided if I should wear jeans or shorts or I fucking dress, because the outfit I picked out yesterday didn't look as great today!" She said quickly an breathed heavily.

"Yes you do, now calm down" I laughed. When we picked up Calum he was wearing jeans and a black collared shirt. He looked pretty darn good! Zoë checked her makeup once again.

"Do you think I should braid my hair?" she asked me.

"Zoë it looks fine that way, stop worrying or when we finally get there you'll look like a mess" I answered, hoping it would calm her down.

Chloe hopped into the car. I didn't pay much attention to what she was wearing, because once she climbed in she yelled at me to go. We weren't that late, and I'm pretty sure we hadn't missed anything.

"It's funny how first you were all calm on the hill and now you're worried as hell" Calum told Zoë.

"This is why I didn't want to leave! I knew this would happen once I left the car." She ran her fingers through her hair.

"Why are you so worked up about, its probably gonna be some lame school party" I said.

"Because, Ashton, it's the last party any of us go to as seniors, and the last time we step foot into this damn school"

Zoë did have a point. But the teachers that organised the party didn't care, they would still be there for a couple more years. Hopefully they were happy we were leaving and they would make this party a good one. If that made sense. It was really hard to find a parking space. Since we were the last people to go in, beside the ones that got drunk before the party so they wouldn't go through the problem of smuggling in the drinks. Parties like this we barely for "chaperoned". Like I said they barely cared we were leaving.

Zoë and Chloe stood by the car checking there hair and makeup before catching up with us. We weren't that far so it wasn't hard for them. We walked through the hallway of the front office which was eerie since it was so dark and empty. Usually Ms.Brittney would talk to us when we came in late, she was also so cheery and full of sarcasm.

To my surprise people were sitting in the courtyard. I guessed most of them came out to take calls, or get away from the loud noise coming from the gym. They were blasting the music so hard I could feel myself vibrating to the beat.

Inside the gym it was beautifully decorated. Some stuff was hung up or placed on the tables were the left overs from prom night. No one was "dressed up" everyone was wearing what they would wear to a normal teenage party.


"Oh my god Ashton you wore those jeans" Zoë shirked over the music, smacking my butt.

"They do look really good on your ass" Chloe smacked it too.

Calum jokingly followed and had a go smacking my ass. We all laughed, it was really nice. Today was nice.

Except for the part where Zoë confessed her love for Luke to you, my subconscious reminded me.

So few words could ruin my night. Not completely, but just a tad bit. I pushed those thoughts to the back of my mind, knowing if I kept thinking about it, it would surely ruin me.

It was more clearer what they were wearing. Chloe was wearing jeans with rips going up both legs.She was also wearing a Rolling Stones shirt I got her last Christmas. She was very fond of the Rolling Stones at the time, she still is, so it felt like a good time to get it.

I finally got to see what Zoe was actually wearing, and when I did I could stop staring. I had only seen her from the back and a little from the side. But not from the front. She looked stunning. But at the same time I felt so protective I wanted to grab the table cloth and wrap it around her so no one else could see. Her breast showed a bit from the shirt. Even though I had seen her in a bikini and all that shit, it felt so new seeing her like that. It was hard to not stare but I doubt she noticed. Her eyes were focused all around the gym. It looked like she was studying every decoration that was hung or placed around the gym. She was so deep in her thoughts. I wanted to run over there and kiss her, to pull her out. But I kept my feet planted on the ground. While sadness took over me, knowing I would never be able to do that.


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