Bonus Chapter 7

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Welcome back, Parker!

Everywhere I look, Riley is there with Chad. I mean, her and her perfect family. It could've been me. Could've. They're just everywhere I go but luckily for me, I am over her. Or so I tell myself. Trying to move on is just so difficult, especially when you just can't get that one girl out of your head. Although she's not a girl, is she? She's a woman. A married woman. A married woman with kids.

Don't get me wrong, I think I love Cassie. But she doesn't compare to Riley. Who ever could? Riley is amazing. But she's married, and she's never seen me in that way. I'll always just be a friend to her. Well, I guess that's why I've stayed away from her. You know, trying to get over this stupid thing I have for her. I can't live my life like this. I need to get over her, move on, have my own family. How can I do that if I am still in love with her? Or am I? I mean, I don't even know.

"Baby?" I look over to Cassie who was looking up at me with her innocent eyes. She's so beautiful. Every time I look at her, I do find myself falling for her more and more. I know she cannot compare to Riley, but maybe that's what I need. Maybe I need someone who isn't Riley. I looked at Cassie, and I mean really looked at her. She's going to think I'm a creep but who cares? I've never really looked at her properly. You know? Just picking out features that aren't Riley's, or like Riley's. Her eyes, so beautiful and innocent. Who knew they had a slight purple tinge to them? I certainly didn't. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Sorry, you're just so beautiful." Cassie and I have been together for just over a year. I know, call me stupid for being with someone while possibly in love with someone else. A blush crept onto her cheeks.

"Oh, thank you," she giggled. I brought her closer to me and kissed the top of her head. "Are you okay? You've been spacing out."

"I'm fine, babe. Absolutely perfect." I know I wasn't completely over Riley, but with Cassie I could definitely try.

It was a beautiful day, hence why we decided to just go and sit outside in the park. It was calming and it was literally the two of us. Okay, not literally. It just felt like it. Everything was fine until Riley rocked up with her kids, but it's a free world isn't it? Luckily for me, Cassie didn't know about anything Riley and I had - not that we did have anything.

"I love you," she mumbled, almost so quietly like she didn't want me to hear. It wasn't the first time she had said it to me. She speaks in her sleep and has said it before. But she's never said it whilst she was awake.

"What?" I say, wanting her to clarify what she said.

"Um, nothing." Ah, she was going to pretend she didn't say it.

I knew it wasn't right, but I do think I love her, "I love you." In the past year, she's starting to make me feel like how Riley made me feel. Except, she makes me feel different. It's weird to think I am still in love with Riley. I don't even know anymore. All I know is that I want to be with Cassie. Since everything with Riley, Cassie has been the best thing that has happened to me.

"Y-you do?" We had never actually told each other we loved each other, except her telling me in my sleep.

"Why wouldn't I?"


Two Years Later

Here I was, down on one knee in front of Cassie. I was crazy nervous. I was scared if she would reject me, but we've been together for about three years. Oh, I was definitely over Riley. Whenever I saw her, I definitely had no more remaining feelings for her. Cassie is my everything, and I want to make her my wife. With her, I am head over heels for her. She makes me happier than ever and she's the best thing in my life. Since my parents divorced, they never had time for me. I was on my own. Riley had Chad too, Ryan had Amy. Everyone had someone but me. My other friends ditched me too, and I don't even know why.

But I met Cassie, and making her my girlfriend was honestly the best decision I have ever made and it was thankfully not a stupid decision.

"Please say something, Cass." I felt a bead of sweat falling down my forehead. Man, this is such a tense waiting game! I quickly wiped the sweat from my forehead and stared up at her. She was definitely in shock. Her hands were over her mouth and her eyes were wide.

"Parker, I love you. I really do," she breathed out. Well, this sounds like it's going to be a no. I stood up, stared at her, and walked away. "Parker, wait!" I didn't though, I kept walking. I was hurt, definitely. Rejection seems to be a thing that's constant for me. I felt her hand on my shoulder which made me stop working. "You didn't even head my answer," she mumbled, her innocent eyes looking at me sadly.

"It was clearly a no," I told her.

"You never let me finish. I was going to say yes, you idiot!" Then, she slapped me. Hard. I was stunned, very stunned.

"W-what? What was that for?"

"For not letting me accept your proposal!" She had this cute scowl on her face, and she looked so darn hot. Well, as well as cute. I broke out into a grin and took her hand, placing the ring on it. "You're seriously an idiot but I love you so much."

"You know I love you more, right?" She giggled before pulling me into a kiss. Once I pulled back from the kiss, she had a huge grin on her face. I made her this "We're getting married."

"We sure are, and I can't wait!" she exclaims. "Oh my gosh, I get to choose a wedding dress! Wait, can we even afford this wedding?" She was right though because with us already sharing an apartment and me being the only one with a job at the moment, we might not be able to.

"Baby, we will make this work. Whatever you want, we will have."

"Parker, as long as I have you then I'm happy." She genuinely loves me.. "I'll get a job, that way we can afford it. Oh, my parents will be happy to help!"

"No, no. I don't want to go to your parents. I don't want them thinking I cannot afford to take care of you."

"It's a wedding, Parker! They're expensive, they'll understand. I mean, we aren't on the streets are we? They know you take good care of me, and they'll be happy to help. But if anything, we've only just got engaged. We've got time. There's no rush, is there?"

"No, there isn't. Not at all." I kiss her forehead, making a smile appear on her lips. Those beautiful lips of hers. "Come on, let's go home."

"What? So we can celebrate?" Man, I love her cheekiness.

"Well, now that you've said it.." She laughed and slapped my chest, pretending to hate it even though she suggested it. But we all know she would totally be up for celebrating.

"When can we tell my parents?"

"Let's leave it for a bit. Let us celebrate for weeks on end before telling everyone. I want it just to be between us for now. Our little secret." Her eyes lit up at the idea. Man, those eyes.

I am one lucky guy, and I couldn't have asked for a better fiancée.

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