Chapter Twenty Four

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"I have to tell you something, Ryan. We don't keep secrets from each other, and I need to get this off my chest."

"What happened?"

"Please don't hate me, okay?"

I hear him sigh, "I won't."


"Just get on with it, please. I'm going to the movies with Amy today," he says, happiness and nervousness evident in his voice.

"You're going to propose," I state, grinning like a mad man. "I can't tell you now.."

"Are you kidding me, Riley?"

"I don't want you mad when you're going to propose," I say. It was true. I didn't want to tell him and then he gets mad and then I don't want to be the one to ruin the whole proposal..

"Just tell me, now."

"I slept with Parker," I tell him. After I told him, I never heard anything. I checked my phone to see if he had cut the call or if I had accidentally done so. But nope, neither of us had done so. "R-Ryan?" Crap. "I'm sorry," I mumble, hoping he heard. I then cut the call in a panic. I throw it onto my bed and stare at it.

It starts to ring.

I look at see that it was Ryan. Shall I answer it? Part of me said yes, but the other sort said no.. I decide to answer it, though. "You slept together?" He asks.

"Yes.. He was upset about his parents divorcing..we hugged, kissed and then you know. I'm sorry, please don't hate me!"

"I don't hate you, Riley. I'm just..disappointed. Not in you, but him."

"I was just trying be a good friend, and he was upset and one thing led to another and I just..I regret it so much, Ryan. Then Steph is telling me that I'm the girl he likes and that he would get the wrong idea and-"

"It's Parker, he's a player. He doesn't fall for a girl, so that's absurd. Besides, he would've told me."

"You're sounding like a girl," I say, laughing.

"Shut up. But like, he doesn't like anyone. He was just probably trying to get sympathy or something. I bet he said something like the girl likes someone and he crap like that." Well, he did.. "And his parents getting a divorce? He was probably using that as a sympathy card or something. He was just trying to get into your pants, Riley. And he did that."

"He's suppose to be your best friend, why are you talking about him like that?"

"As much as I love him, it's the truth. Now, I'll catch you later. Try not to worry, okay?"

"Um, okay.. Good luck with the proposal," I reply, the grim back on my face. "Call me back with good news, yeah?"

"I'll try," he laughs out. We say goodbye and I put my phone back down on my bed. I sigh and relax on my bed, staring up at the ceiling. I close my eyes for a few seconds, which actually probably turned into hours because suddenly Chad was staring over me.

I jump up, "Chad!"

"Yeah it's me. My mum wanted to invite you around like now. She quite likes you, I guess. She wanted to know if you wanted to hang around and help her paint the baby's room."

"Oh, uh, yeah. I guess, sure. Did you pick the lock again?" I mean, how else would he have gotten in? Pretty obvious.

"Duh." He turns around to walk out but I stop him.

"Why have you been off with my lately? What have I done?" I ask, sighing.

"I know about you and Parker. I mess around behind girls backs, not the other way around," he says, rolling his eyes. How did he know?!

"Y-you know? was only one time! How did you find out? Did Parker tell you?"

"Wait, one time?"

"Yeah..we slept together last night.." Realisation dawned upon me. He was talking about something else. "You weren't talking about that..were you?"

"No, I was talking about you guys being a thing. I figured it was more than one time, but I guess I was wrong. Wasn't I?"

"You are, Parker and I aren't a thing. It was a one night thing.. Why the hell do you care, anyway?"

He stepped closer towards me and pulled me closer. He leaned closer to my ear, "Because the bad boy always gets the good girl."


"The good girl is always the bad boy's."


"You're the good girl, princess," Damn, I've got two boys after me.. How the hell did this happen? "and I'm the bad boy." I push him away and put my shoes on.

"Are you going over too?" I ask, completely changing the subject.

"Of course, how else are you getting there? We're going by my motorcycle, by the way."

"Oh, right. Uh, I'll meet you downstairs, yeah?"

"Sure, you know where I usually am," he says, walking out. I decide it was probably a good idea that I actually change my clothes so that I didn't ruin any of my new-ish clothes. I take off my shoes and quickly change into some old-ish clothes. I then head downstairs and find my way through campus where I knew Chad would be parked. I spot him leaning on his motorcycle and damn, he looks hot. "You changed," he states. "Why?"

"Painting, didn't wanna ruin any new clothes," I reply. "Aren't you going to change?" I ask. I mean, did he want to get pain all over it? The jacket looked expensive..

"I'll just take off my jacket when I get there, no biggie. Now come on, get on." He throws a helmet at me and I catch it - thankfully - and put it on. He puts one on too and gets on. I get on behind him. "Ain't got all day, princess," he says, sounding slightly irritated.

"But I'm on," I say, confused.

"Do you want to fall off? Wrap your arms around me," he says, and I can imagine that he was probably rolling his eyes. I wrap my arms around him and I could tell he was smirking. Jerk. We set off and damn, I seriously need one for myself. This is so damn fun. We arrive at Louise and Malcolm's place and we get off, and I hand the helmet to him.

"Chad! Riley! Good to see the both of you," Louise says, greeting us at the door. "How are you, Riley?"

"Uh, yeah..good. You?"

"Great, thanks! Come on in guys, you both want drinks?"

"I'm good," Chad says, throwing his jacket on the couch as we pass it.

"No thank you."

"Right so the paint is upstairs.. We were planning on painting it pink since we're expecting a girl. What do you guys think?" Louise asks, smiling away.

"Whatever suits you, mum."

"Well, we could paint it pink and add some designs to it to make it more girly?" I suggest. I mean, I do like art.. It would be pretty fun, actually.

"That sounds brilliant! But.."

"I don't mind doing the designs, I love art."

"Well, great! Now, I was advised that I don't do any painting because of the paint fumes so...if it's okay it'll just be you two? I've got to go get some stuff for the baby too so you've got the house to yourself," she says. "Is that alright with you two?"

"Fine by me," Chad replies, smirking. Great.

"Yeah, fine by me too."

"Great! I'll be back in a few hours. Have fun!" She walks off and we hear the front door shut.

"I thought you said she wanted me to hang around with her?"

"I lied, sorry. Thought I'd get you to help me, so.."

"I would've said yes," I mutter. "Anyway, let's get started?"


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