Chapter Thirty

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He stared down at me, one of his hands cupping my cheek. I wrap my arms around his neck and lean up, bringing him into a kiss. When he pulls back, he grins. "I take that as a yes?" He asks, smirking.

"Absolutely," I reply, smiling away.

"Glad that Parker wasn't here to ruin it. Was planning on asking you but he ruined it. I'm sorry I thought that you were a-"

"It's fine, Chad. Don't worry about it. He is just..." Crap, I left him in my room after he dropped the L bomb.

"You okay?"

"He dropped the L bomb," I whisper to myself. "Oh my-"

"He what? He said he loves you?" Chad seemed frustrated and angry. "We were having a bloody moment and there he goes again, ruining it while he's not even here," he huffs out, pushing himself away from me. He unlocked the door and left. I stood there, slightly stunned. Guess I have to get use to him just leaving abruptly. I snap out of it and go after him. I ran after him but damn, when he's angry he walks really fast. I hate exercise, ew.

"Chad!" I call, but he either doesn't hear me or just doesn't want to acknowledge me. Ugh, what have I done? Why is he ignoring me? Great start to a relationship, huh. I follow him outside and watch him pull a couple of things out of his pocket. He brings one to his mouth; a cigarette. I catch up to him and watch as he lights up the cigarette. "Chad," I call again, making him direct his attention to me. He grunts in reply and continues to smoke his cigarette. "Why are you mad at me?" He looks back at me, his angry expression dissolved.

"Not at you, princess. Never," he mutters. Never? He's been mad at me a few times..weirdo. "I don't even know why I'm mad. Not mad at him, because you can't help who you fall for. Not mad at you. I don't know, I'm just.. I guess I'm mad that he could've taken away my chance to be with you.." Aww.

"Don't turn all cheesy on me," I laugh out, making him crack a smile.

"I won't, don't worry," he replies, winking. "My mum said you can come over any time to do the room, if you still wanted to."

"Oh, I'd love to. Sounds great. When would be the best day to go?"

"Well, they're out for the week because Malcolm and mum went on a mini holiday. They've given me the keys...I say we go there now," he suggests, a hint of mischief in his eyes. "We can have the house to paint, obviously." He totally didn't mean paint.

"Well, we can go now. Unless you have a class or-"

"Nope, absolutely not," he says, throwing his cigarette on the ground and stomping it out. He grabs my hand and we head off to wherever he's parked his motorcycle. He handed me a helmet, and put on his own. I got on behind him, wrapping my arms around him. We soon sped off and damn, I really need to get myself one of these. We finally reach his place, well...Malcolm and Louise's place.

"Hang on," I say, realising something, "I don't even have any paint or anything to actually-"

"Mum bought everything. Said we can return the stuff we don't need. She literally bought a whole bunch of paints, trust me. I'm pretty sure you'll have enough." He grabs my hand again and leads me inside. He throws the keys on this little tasks that was by the door and kicks off his shoes. I take off my shoes too. "Want anything to eat?"

"No thanks, I'm not hungry," I tell him.

"Well, I kind of am," he says lowly, winking at me. Oh. Oh.

"So, uh, is everything upstairs?"

"The paints, the rooms, the bed, the condoms-"

"Chad!" He starts laughing and walks past me and up the stairs.

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