Chapter Twenty Seven

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PLEASE READ THIS - I do not want people complaining in the future, okay?

Basically, once this story finishes I will be posting bonus chapters in different point of views. Later on in this chapter, there will be one part where I know you'll want a snippet of so if you bare with..once this story is finished I'll get right on it. Okay? So please don't go commenting later on saying "I want to see this!" "Why didn't you show us?" etc. If you do, I will know you never read this and well, thanks a lot then. Like dude, if you're going to read my story and comment complaints, at least have the decency to read these authors notes so you don't have to complain. So yeah, thanks to those who actually read this. Have a cookie! *hands out cookie* and enjoy the update :'D


After what happened earlier this morning, Chad watched me like a hawk. We were back at university but he always appeared out of no where...just keeping an eye on me. I have to admit, it reminded me a whole lot like Parker.

Oh and speaking of Parker, he's been ignoring me since I sent him packing. Okay, not literally. I've seen him around but he would be either on his own, or with Kenneth. I know he was probably hurt and just wanted to ignore me completely. I felt bad, I shouldn't have slept with him. I just made such a huge mistake. Completely. He must've thought something would end up going on between us after like us dating, but then there was me thinking it was just sex. We both completely got the wrong end of the stick.

As I was walking back to my room, I felt like I was being followed. And indeed I was. "Chad, stop watching me like a hawk. I'm not a doll or anything, I won't break."

"I just want to know you're okay," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "You seemed in such a bad place and I didn't want to just leave you like that, but obviously I had class and you didn't but..that phone call. I know it scared you, I'm just looking out for you."

"I shouldn't have gone to see Tyson in prison. Nothing good came of it.."

"You visited Tyson?" I turn around and find Ryan standing there. Crap. Things just keep getting better and better, don't they?


"Why would you do that? It's crazy! Are you still in love with him or something?"

"Ew, no. I just-"

"Look, mate, she made a mistake. She just wanted answers and closure, can you just leave her alone?"

"No, I won't. She's my sister, and I have the right to know why she visited that murderer who's clearly making her life a living hell! Who the hell are you anyway?"

"Chad, her...friend," he answers. I could tell he didn't really want to say friend. He sounded awkward just saying it. "Look, I'm just looking out for her."

"I appreciate that, but she's my sister and she's practically my responsibility." He turns to me, "I don't get you, I never have. You visited him, knowing he made your teenage years crap and how he's still haunting you. What is wrong with you?"

"Can you just leave me alone?!" I yell out, wanting to pull at my hair. "I made a damn mistake, and I get it. You don't have to keep going on about it, Ryan. Why are you here anyway? Shouldn't you be back home with Amy or-"

"I came to tell you in person what happened with Amy." Crap, the proposal.. He didn't bother saying anything after. Ugh, my silence is his cue to say something.

"Well? Did she say yes?" I ask, getting impatient.

"Yeah, she did. We're engaged now," he laughs out. I squeal and run up to hug him.

"I told you she would say yes! Congratulations, Ryan!" Damn, this was great! "So, when's the wedding then?"

"Woah, woah. We just got engaged."

"So?" He gave me a look and I laughed, "I'm just joking, chill." I hug him again and give him a toothy grin.

"You're a bridesmaid, by the way. Straight away Amy said there was no question in her mind. Her mum is her maid of honour."

"Damn, really?"

"Duh," he says, rolling his eyes. "Now," he says, his face getting serious, "I think you both ought to tell me what's going on with the whole Tyson situation. Oh, and I mean everything that I don't know. Like, what's the deal with him? Why does he know?" I look to Chad and he shrugs. Gee, thanks for the support. I tell Ryan that it was probably best to go back to my room, and so all three of us did. When we got there, Chad sat on the spare bed and pulled me down beside him. Thankfully, Ryan never noticed. Ryan sat on my bed. As we sat, I explained what happened in the last few days and what happened when I visited Tyson. I obviously had the help from Chad, who kept my hand in his for support. Who knew he was actually that sweet? After everything, Ryan just stared..calmly..again. "You shouldn't have seen him, but..I see why you did. I think the police should know about-"

"They already do, they heard it.."

" are you in such a mess? I don't get it, I really don't. We had a good childhood, and how did you manage to get with him? He literally fu-"

"Yes, I know.. I don't know, I just.. I know he messed everything up, and I did too. I do t know what happened, I just..I was fifteen and he was a slightly older bloke. A slightly older bloke had an interest in me so, I don't know. I was fifteen and impressionable!"

"It's okay," I heard Chad murmur, rubbing my hand with his thumb. It instantly calmed me down.

"Okay..okay. Enough of him. I need to just get my head around this all," he replies, shaking his head. "You two- what's up with you guys?"

"We're fr-"

"Oh, please. Chad, enough of that. It's clearly not just friendship." Chad just rolls his eyes but jumps at his phone making a noise. He pulls out his phone, looks at it, and frowns.

"Crap," he mutters.

"Is everything okay?" I ask, looking at him.

"No- I mean yes. Yes, everything is absolutely fine. Look, I have to go sorry," he hastily says, getting up and running off.

"What's his problem?"

"I..I don't know," I reply, staring at the door.

"What is it with you two? Are you actually a thing?"

"No, we're not. I don't really know what we are."

"Well," he says standing up, "I have to go see Parker." Oh no..

"W-what? W-why?"

"He's my best friend, just wanna say hi and tell him the news," he replies, shrugging. "Problem?"

"No, no problem.. Well, are you coming back before you go?"

"Of course, I'm not just going to leave. Mum and dad want you home this weekend though, for a celebratory dinner."

"This weekend?" He nods. "Oh. Um, okay. Will do."

"Parker's invited too, so I'm coming to pick you both up. Is there a problem with this weekend?"

"No, no. I just gotta sort something out, don't worry. Anyway, go see him. I'll see you soon."

"Alright, see you. Oh, and don't worry about Tyson okay? He's in jail. He can't do anything to you, and don't worry about Chad. I'm sure things are okay with him," he says, bringing me up for a hug. "I love you, okay?"

"Yeah, I love you too."

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